Posts Tagged“wellness”

Can gardening help beat depression?

You are not alone if you feel under pressure or depressed. Studies by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that nearly a fifth of the UK’s adults experience depression or anxiety, with women more likely to suffer from the conditions. There are many reasons why you can become depressed, with everyone susceptible to the illness. However, certain genetic variations can mean that some of us are more prone to the condition than others. Some may be prescribed with anti-depressants by their doctor, but these don’t always have the intended effect. That’s where gardening comes into the equation. Reports suggest…

Quit smoking without quitting being social

If you’re a social smoker, trying to quit smoking while maintaining a social life can seem daunting. But it’s important not to let your social life fall by the wayside while you’re kicking the habit. In order to help you, we’ve drawn up the following guide and tips. The similarities between alcohol and nicotine It is beneficial to know how nicotine behaves in a similar way to alcohol. At the extreme, government data has found that up to 90 per cent of people who are addicted to alcohol will also smoke. Furthermore, smokers have been found to be more likely…

Top Tips to Avoid and Manage Melanoma during the Spring Season

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can be caused due to an extended exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. Many people use sunblock creams and properly cover their skin during summers. But as the outside temperature decreases, they tend to forget that it’s equally important to protect their skin from UV exposure during the spring season. If you notice a mole or strange marks on your skin, consult your doctor at the earliest. With the help of certain tests, they will accurately diagnose the problem. Treating melanoma cancer isn’t always easy, but through preventive measures, you can reduce the…

How to Get Noticed Without Standing Out

It is said that you make your impression on someone within the first 15 seconds of meeting them. That then begs the question was it that you were noticed or you stood out? What was it that made that person stop at that moment to speak to you or just make eye contact? Let’s take a look at how you can get noticed without standing out. It can be something as simple as a glance, some say a flirt…eye contact or a smile. It can be your words, your accent or even just the way you approached with confidence that…

Healthy Habits When Moving to a New City

Sometimes relocating is necessary. Whether it’s starting a new job, beginning college, or for personal reasons, moving a few hours to a new city, or even across the country, happens to a lot of people, at least once in their lives. Uprooting your life can also be stressful — before, during and after the move. You’ll pack all your belongings, leave your friends and family behind, and look for necessities such as housing, employment and a new social group. You may be physically and mentally exhausted for days, even weeks, as you adjust to your new surroundings. This can often…

How to Identify and Eliminate Hospital Inefficiencies

When an organization as large and complex as a hospital experiences inefficiency, the price tags add up quickly. But that’s not the only downside. Unfortunately, healthcare inefficiencies can increase patient suffering. It’s in everyone’s best interest to eliminate wastefulness in the industry. But knowing where to start can be a significant challenge. According to one 2014 survey of more than 400 U.S. healthcare providers, organizations waste more than $11 billion yearly due to inefficient communication alone. This includes areas like admitting and transferring patients, coordinating emergency response protocols and lacking the means to communicate via secure text. Communication represents just…

Why is Chronic Pain Beating You?

When you’ve been battling chronic pain for a while now, do you ever stop and wonder if it will one day go away? Millions of individuals fight chronic pain on a daily basis. In doing so, they win some battles; but end up losing way more than they would like. If this sounds like you, what can you do moving forward to try and get the upper-hand against chronic pain? Have You Tried Enough Possible Remedies? It may come down to a case where you haven’t tried enough possible remedies. For instance, have you given red bali kratom a try?…

James DeVellis MD Helps People Choose an Orthopedic Surgeon

If you experience knee degeneration, you will know how painful it is. At some point, you will have to find someone like James DeVellis MD, who is an orthopedic surgeon. However, this is a major decision, because nobody voluntarily has a knee replaced surgically. So how do you find a good orthopedic surgeon? James DeVellis MD’s Top Tips to Find a Surgeon Speak to your local family doctor to ask for a list of referrals. Do not accept a referral to just one single surgeon, as you will need to see multiple ones. Speak to people you know who may…

Nectar Bed Reviews Top Tips to Purchase a Memory Foam Mattress

In the 1970s, NASA developed memory foam for their spacecraft equipment and for the comfort of their astronauts. However, it didn’t become popular until the 1990s, when the product was released to the consumer market. Since then, it has taken up prime position in the mattress industry, with everyone wanting one. This is why Nectar Bed reviews the different tips out there for people who want to purchase one. Nectar Bed Reviews Memory Foam Purchasing Tips There are a number of things to consider before buying any kind of mattress, but a memory foam one in particular. These mattresses are…

The Top Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

If you have placed a family member or loved on in a nursing home, chances are you’re already on alert for any sign that he or she is being mistreated. Unfortunately, there can be signs that you may not be aware of and do not notice until it is too late. Here are some of the top signs your loved one may be experiencing neglect or abuse in the nursing home. Lack of proper hygiene One of the first signs that your loved one is being neglected is a decline in the level of care given to their basic needs.…