Nectar Bed Reviews Top Tips to Purchase a Memory Foam Mattress

In the 1970s, NASA developed memory foam for their spacecraft equipment and for the comfort of their astronauts. However, it didn’t become popular until the 1990s, when the product was released to the consumer market. Since then, it has taken up prime position in the mattress industry, with everyone wanting one. This is why Nectar Bed reviews the different tips out there for people who want to purchase one.

Nectar Bed Reviews Memory Foam Purchasing Tips

There are a number of things to consider before buying any kind of mattress, but a memory foam one in particular. These mattresses are supposed to last for a very long time and they are a significant investment. Hence, it is important that you purchase the right one. Some of the considerations to make include:

  1. Choosing a mattress that is sensitive to temperatures. Some people have stated that memory foam is not very good at dissipating body heat. This means that you can wake up feeling very warm, with some people even sweating all night long. If you live in a warmer climate, you may find, therefore, that you need a memory foam mattress that has been designed to adjust to temperatures. What this means is that it softens slightly when it is warm outside, while firming when it becomes cooler.
  2. Choosing a mattress that has the right thickness. This is, some say, the most important consideration. The thickness tells you how much the mattress weighs, and it is usually expressed in cubic feet. There are lots of theories out there on how thick a memory foam mattress should be. It is now agreed that it should be somewhere between 5.3lbs and 5.9lbs. This is because anything below 5.3lbs will not be able to properly support the hips, shoulders, and lower back. Meanwhile, if the mattress is above 5.9lbs, then it is so thick that it won’t support you either.
  3. Choosing a top layer that is thick enough. The top layer is the most important part of the mattress as a whole. Many times, people don’t purchase a full mattress, but rather only a topper, having it cut to size for their personal needs. That top layer has to be thick enough to give you the support you need. This is measured in inches. Usually, a good topper will be at least 3.5” in thickness. If you have a layer that is much thinner than that, you will feel as if you are sleeping on cheap polyurethane foam, which is not comfortable. There is no such thing as too thick, but that does make the mattress a lot more expensive.

If you keep these pointers in mind, you should be able to find the right memory foam for your particular needs. One of the key issues of importance is that you never buy something that you haven’t physically felt before. Memory foam is great, but it isn’t right for everybody and you shouldn’t invest in it unless you know it is right for you.