Swimming Pool Care Tips 101

When it comes to pool care, there is a lot you need to know. The benefits of using a sanitizing agent are obvious; however, there is still some confusion about how it is used. The water filtration system makes keeping a clean pool easier, while solar pool covers help keep the warmth and sunshine in your pool. Keep reading to learn more about pool maintenance tips.


Indeed, “moving water is the cleaning water”; hence, you can use pool pumps to circulate the water throughout. However, running a water motor 24/7 may add to your eclectic cost. Therefore, you should operate your motor regularly, i.e., after every 1 to 2 hours. Moreover, there are many different types of water pumps on the market; choose one based on the size of your pool and your electrical budget.


Another very essential tip for your swimming pool maintenance is water filtration. For pool filtration, we commonly use pool filters, skimmers, pump baskets, and many other types of equipment. In it, we remove dirt, debris, and anything unwanted from the pool and water. It is recommended to keep your filter tools clean, especially the filter pool, to remove the debris efficiently.


Pool cleaning is just as important as water filtration. This should be done on a weekly or biweekly basis. It includes cleaning the pool walls, surface, and steps, as well as removing any suspended dirt and particles from the pool. Clean the pool filter, pump, and all associated items and equipment as well. This strategy ensures the pool’s and water’s quality. Also, it prevents the growth of potentially harmful algae.

Water Testing

To find the chemical health of your pool, you should consider water testing once or twice a week. You can use test kits or test strips for routine pool testing. Typically, test kits help determine the level of Available Chlorine, Free Available Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid, PH of the water, Calcium hardness, and salt level. For home testing, DPD test kits give the most accurate results.

Water Sanitization And Balance 

Another necessary pool care 101 element is to maintain water balance and sanitization. After water testing, balancing the level of water components is essential, particularly Total alkalinity, available chlorine, and others. For maintaining water sanitization, Alkalinity Adjusters and stabilizer chemicals are used. Chlorine is one of the most prominent water sanitization agents due to its bactericidal properties. Importantly, it is safer for swimmers than bromine.

Solar Pool Covers

Installing a solar pool cover is the best way to safeguard your outdoor or above-ground pool. The panel is designed to allow UV radiation from the sun to filter through, naturally keeping the water temperature warm even in the winter. Many pool owners choose solar pool covers for its safety. It’s much easier to cover the pool and leave it alone. If you have a vinyl or gunite pool, having a solar pool cover is far preferable to not having one at all.


By following these guidelines, you will be able to keep your pool clean and healthy for many seasons to come. Take care of your pool, and it will take care of you. Safe and happy swimming!