All Seasons Home Maintenance Checklist

Your house is your sanctuary, a haven where you unwind and relax. It contains cherishable and unforgettable memories of you and your loved ones. Therefore, you must take care of your home for it to last long. Unfortunately, certain elements such as seasonal change threaten the maintenance of your house and can deteriorate it gradually. Unless you know how to keep up with these changes, you may have to give up your haven. That is something no one wants. 

The change in climate and temperature can wreak havoc on the interior and exterior of your household. You may become a victim of rusted doors, damaged pipes, and chipped paint. According to Home Warranty, homeowners will spend 1 to 4% of a home’s value annually on maintenance and repair. As your house ages, this value will increase and might supersede your budget, which is not reasonable. 

Luckily, you can avoid jeopardizing your funds and have a well-maintained house through a compiled checklist. When you know what is in store for you with every season, you will see what you need to do to protect your house. Here’s how you can maintain your household in a well-organized manner:

1. What Awaits in The Fall?

Fall is an excellent time to take care of extensive projects. Since after fall comes winter, which means shorter days and heaps of snow, making maintenance virtually impossible. The trees shed many leaves, so you may have to work both outdoors and indoors. So, here’s how you can manage fall:

  • Inspect for Damage: You should take a walk around your house and look for signs of damages. You may have frayed and exposed wires. Professionals such as HVAC Contractors can fix any electrical damage for you. While the professionals take care of the electrical issues, you should fill out gaping holes in your walls and roof. 
  • Clean the Gutters and Downspouts: You may find leaves in the gutter and downspouts. Unless you take care of them, you risk a clogged drain. So, grab your ladder, clean out all the leaves, and make sure water is flowing down properly. 
  • Add Weatherstripping: You need to add weather stripping around windows and doors. These increase the level of warmth inside your house. Weatherstripping also ensures no leaves or, in the future cold air, enters your home. 
  • Remove Window A/C Units: If you have window air conditioners, you may want to take them off and store them away. In the case of installed ACs, you should cover the exterior unit with insulation to prevent damage. 
  • Clean Dryer Vents: Lint can be hazardous when they accumulate. Your dryer may work less effectively, and the lint may catch fire. You can take care of all the lint yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. You can use a simple brush or a vacuum cleaner for this purpose. 

2. What Happens in The Winters?

Most of your grunt work gets taken care of in the falls. However, winter brings with it cold winds and mountains of snow. The outdoor climate affects the indoor environment. So, while you hustle to stay warm, this is what you need to do for your house:

  • Test Your Sump Pump: You need to make sure you are prepared to tackle a flood. Winters may bring heavy rainfall, and a clean drain may not be enough for the water. Your sump pump should be functional. Survey for any dirt or debris and clean them up right away. Test your pump by switching on and hear for any clogs or damage. 
  • Prevent Ice Dams: When the temperature hits the freezing point, you may get ice dams at the edge of your roof. These prevent snow from proper drainage and cause a leak in your roof. You will need to increase the ventilation and insulation of your roof. Make sure you seal every inch properly. The idea behind this process is to keep the temperature of the roof uniform and prevent dams. 
  • Insulate Hot Water Tank: The cold air puts the hot water tank at a disadvantage. It would help if you wrapped the tank in an insulating blanket to conserve the heat. 

3. How Do I Prepare for Spring?

After the chilly winters, spring brings moderate temperature and a calm atmosphere. Most of the winter’s damage is outdoors. So, you need to prepare for summer and repair the winter damage. Here’s how you can prepare yourself for spring:

  • Clean AC Filters: You will soon need the AC, so clean the filters by removing residual dust. You can do this by washing them or using a brush.
  • Repair the Roof: The impact of the snow may have loosened shingles, and there may be leakage. Check your roof and nail the boards properly. At times, you might have to replace the whole wooden shingle.
  • Repair Screens: Rodents and pests may invite themselves inside during spring. Window and door screens have apparent signs of entry. You may either patch up the holes or buy a new screen, depending on the damage.
  • Repaint Your House: You may have chipped paint after the sudden change in temperatures. You can either do selective paintwork and fix the damage or go for a new color entirely. 

4. How Do I Welcome Summers?

Summers are the hottest season. As much you’d like to relax by the pool, your work is not complete. There are a few maintenance jobs you’ll need to do when the sun is out. Here’s what needs repairing:

  • Rebuild Your Deck: The seasonal changes may have left your deck weak and caused seepage. It can cause the wood to rot. Therefore, to prevent that from happening, make sure you repair the entire deck. 
  • Clean Out Downspouts: You may have done this during the fall or spring, but it is best to do it in the summers. Summer storms bring with it debris and dust. Therefore, it would help if you made sure the gutter lines are always clean. 
  • Oil Hinges: You don’t want to end up with rust on your windows and doors. Check if the hinges are smooth and soundless after good oiling. If they still provide resistance, you may need to change the hinges. 
  • Get Rid of Dead Plants: If you have rotten plants in the backyard and pots, you need to get rid of them. Unattended dead plants invite pests into the household and may become a source of mold.

Wrap Up

You need to ensure your house withstands seasonal changes. During fall, you may need to shoulder most of the work. It includes cleaning the vents and downspout. Ensuring your home is free from damage and preparing your house for winters. Test out your sump pump in the winters, prevent ice dams from forming and insulate your water tank. 

Once the snow clears and spring arrives, you will need to shoulder a bulk of work once again. It includes cleaning AC filters, repainting, and repair work. Finally, in the summers, clean your downspouts again, oil your doors, get rid of dead plants, and rebuild your deck if necessary.