Norco Ranch Reveals Random Facts on Eggs

Every year, people eat millions of eggs all over the world. People buy them from grocery stores and markets, keep their own chickens, and so on. They turn them into omelets, salads, poach them, scramble them, boil them (hard or soft), devil them, and so on. Eggs are one of the most versatile products in the world today, and there are a couple of very important facts to be aware of. Norco Ranch shares 15 of those facts here.

15 Random Norco Ranch Egg Facts

  1. An egg lasts about four to five weeks after being packaged, which is about three weeks after you bought them.
  2. One large egg equates to about 70 calories.
  3. On average, a chicken lays about 250 eggs a day, with some averaging at around 350, in fact.
  4. “Cage free” chickens are not necessarily free range, outside chickens. It solely means that they aren’t kept in tiny cages, 20 to a cage. Often, they are kept in a huge room, where they can access food and water as and when they want. The ethical standards of these farms are questionable.
  5. If you’re not sure whether an egg has been boiled, spin it around. If raw, it will wobble because the liquids inside the egg will move. A boiled egg spins with ease.
  6. If an egg is truly “organic”, then the hens it came from eat feed that does not contain fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides. Again, it doesn’t mean that they are cage free, nor that the chickens are kept outside.
  7. Commercial hens have their lower and upper beak trimmed in a cauterizing machine. This stops them from pecking other hens and avoids injury.
  8. Vegetarian hens are those that feed on vegetable foods only.
  9. The older the hen, the bigger her eggs are.
  10. If you have just hard boiled an egg, you will struggle to peel it. Best leave it to cool for a bit, in other words.
  11. Three grades of eggs exist: AA, A, and B. This identifies the internal and external quality of the egg. They look at the size of the air cell, the albumen thickness, the shape, and the shell texture, therefore.
  12. There is evidence that, in Ancient China, people would store eggs for many years, keeping them in cooked rice, ashes, or clay. These are known as “hundred year old eggs” and can still be eaten today. Many people see them as a delicacy.
  13. Eggs are full of protein. Indeed, around 12.6% of all the protein you need in a day is contained in a single egg. Eggs also contain various other important vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants, including lecithin, which is one of the building blocks of the human body.
  14. The exterior color of the egg does not have an impact on how the egg tastes at all.
  15. People have been increasing their egg consumption since 1997. Ten years later, the average person in America eats 259 eggs each year.