When I first entered the world of work I realized that I was just getting stressed out far too easily and taken on the burden of both my own issues and those around me. It reached a point where I couldn’t continue and so I went to speak to Dr. Richard Soper, our family doctor, to discuss what I could do about my stress levels and how I could relax. Dr. Soper gave me so many options to try and eventually I found the methods which worked best for me. I have shared these methods with family and friends and now I wanted to share them with you all.
Stress can be a very dangerous thing and no matter what job you work in, here are some ways in which you can learn to relax.
Many scoff at the idea of meditation, thinking that it is exclusively for Tibetan monks and hippies, but it can in fact be a very beneficial tool which can help you to stay relaxed. When you meditate you are pausing the world, taking some time out to focus on your body and your mind, and the affects after meditating for just 15 minutes per day are incredible. To meditate simply find a quiet space, sit down in a comfortable, upright position and start to take deep breaths, focusing on the body and how it moves, and allowing your mind to be empty. The more you do it the better you’ll become and the benefits are fantastic.
Relaxation isn’t about doing nothing, it is about getting rid of stress, anxiety and anger, and learning to be a calmer version of yourself. This is why I have found exercise so beneficial and just 30 minutes a day can ensure that you become much more relaxed. Exercise of course boosts physical heath and it also releases endorphins which are feel-good chemicals which are produced when you exercise.
If you are able to take a walk in nature then this is also something which is greatly recommended. Getting away from the bustle and chaos of a town or city and out into the wild is a great way of getting the stress levels down. There is something extremely calming about nature and I rely on 2 walks per week in the forests around my home. Walking itself is a nice leveler and doing so in a natural environment is very worthwhile.
Focusing on the Time
Many of us confuse relaxation with doing nothing or very little, but you actually have to dedicate time to relaxation. If you manage this like you would do a piece of work, you are going to have far better results. No matter what form of relaxation works best for you, be it listening to music, reading, walking, running or meditating, give yourself a time slot. During that time you will not be distracted, you will not check in on your social media and you will not entertain any other form of distraction, do this and you will have great results.