The Role of a Personal Injury Attorney

When you get involved in an accident that is not your fault, you have the right to be compensated for all the damages that will arise from the injuries sustained. If you are significantly injured after the accident, medical bills will start to pile up, and you might lose income when you take a break from work to recover. 

The person who caused the accident has to compensate you for all the damages you have incurred both present and future.

A personal injury attorney in Indianapolis represents clients seeking compensation for an injury caused by another person’s negligence. A personal injury attorney will help you get compensation for loss of income, pain, and suffering, loss of companionship, legal costs, among others.

A personal injury attorney will carry out a few duties when helping their clients:


A personal injury attorney will investigate to uncover all the necessary information from the accident. The information is important when negotiating with the insurance company for the correct amount of compensation or convincing the court that the defendant is liable for causing the accident. 

The investigation will include conducting client interviews, consulting relevant experts, reading the investigating officer’s report, checking the applicable laws, among many others. After collecting the necessary information, your attorney will inform you about the status of your case.

Communicate with the Insurance Company

If the defendant’s insurance company does not want to go to trial, they will initiate negotiations. Your attorney can represent you throughout the negotiations by making demands that are beneficial to you. Communication between your attorney and the insurance company can be through emails, phone calls, letters, and physical visits. Your personal injury attorney has to make sure they communicate with the insurance company on time. 

Insurance companies are very tricky and will try to offer you a meager amount. Do not accept any amount before you consult a personal injury attorney. Hiring a personal injury attorney is a good move to ensure that the insurance company offers you fair compensation. With your express or written permission, an attorney will handle all the correspondence from the insurance company.

Recover Full and Fair Compensation

Personal injury attorneys with enough experience will know an estimate of the compensation you will get for your injuries. A personal injury attorney also increases the chances of you winning your suit. A civilian does not know all the steps towards getting compensation in a personal injury claim, and having an advocate makes sure that not a single step is skipped.

Prepare for Trial

Not all personal injury claims end in negotiations; sometimes, the insurance company will opt to take its chances and go for a trial. The defense attorneys will do their best to blame you for the accident. A personal injury attorney will guide you on all the case’s elements, for example, how to answer questions and prepare you for cross-examination. Without proper preparation, the plaintiff might reduce their chances of winning by giving out wrong information. 

It is important to keep your lawyer updated, do not let them find out information that you know about the case from another party. If the defendant, their lawyer, or the insurance company tries to contact you, inform your attorney immediately. If you receive other relevant documents like medical bills, you can share them with your attorney