Posts Tagged“save money”

The Best Travel Apps for 2016

travel apps for 2016

We are more and more reliant on our phones and tablets for ever aspect of our life so what makes traveling any different? Take a look at some of the most popular and best travel apps for 2016 and make sure you are ready to have the best possible time on your next trip. Google The search giant has long since ventured into a variety of industries and travel is no different. Google Flights allows you to “farecast” with the best of them. You can pick flexible dates and even flexible locations to ensure you get the lowest fares possible. Once you get…

Frugal furnishing – easy tips to save money on interior design

Are you putting together a new interior design scheme? Not a lot of spare cash lying around? Don’t worry, there are ways of achieving fresh and contemporary interiors without going bankrupt. That’s right, frugal is the new fashionable, and nobody wants to spend more than they need to on creating a vibrant new scheme at home. Read on for easy tips on how to save money on interior design so you can transform that dull interior into a low-cost luxury delight. There are so many things to consider when designing a new interior; the costs can quickly spiral out of…

Tips for saving money on your monthly bills

When it comes to reining in spending, you might find it hard to realize further gains after picking the low hanging fruit in your financial outgo (i.e. discretionary spending). However, your monthly expenses (utilities, mortgage payments, etc) has more wriggle room than you might give them credit for. Below, we will show that saving money on your monthly bills is not the impossible task that you’ve made it out to be in the past… Upgrade your current windows to save on heating In places like Western Canada, the potential savings from installing proper windows can be enormous, as winters in…

How to get a cheap holiday deal

Booking a holiday is always an exciting time but it can also be a time when people worry about the amount of money they will spend. Working hard all year in order to be able to pay for a week or two away from the hustle and bustle of city life means that everyone wants to get the most for their money. There’s nothing better than picking up a great deal that leaves more money in the wallet to spend once you reach your destination. But how can people find these great deals? Are there some ‘tricks of the trade’…

Don’t be afraid to mix it up to save money on a holiday

In terms of saving money there is a definite need to be a bit flexible. This could mean shopping around, or it could mean changing a detail you’re used to, such as where you shop. When you’re looking at finding a cheap holiday, then switching a few details around could be the key to keeping money in your pocket. A lot of the time, the price is the deal breaker for holidays, because if you can’t find one to suit your budget, then you’re basically not going away! Holidays are important, and I don’t believe them to be a luxury.…

The Best Apps for Making Money

Apps: they entertain us, guide us to our destinations (unless you still use Apple Maps…), and they clue us in on that hot new restaurant around the corner. However, can they help us solve one of the average person’s biggest problems, which is how to save any percentage of their paltry paycheck? They certainly can, as the four best apps for making money will aid you significantly in the achievement of this difficult goal… 1) Acorns Ever whine and complain about how hard it is to save money? For most, it isn’t because they lack the income to set aside…