Posts Tagged“legal”

3 Essential Tips on Bankruptcy and Divorce

So you are getting divorced, and you have both individual and joint debt you need to deal with in order to set up new individual households. Here are three practical tips with examples to help you move past this and into your new life, debt-free. Tip #1 – Deal with Joint Debt Together if You Possibly Can You deserve a fresh start, and whether you agree or not, so does your ex. If it is possible for you two to cooperate, filing a bankruptcy petition jointly will wipe out your jointly-owned unsecured debt, and will allow you to deal with…

Why Do People File Medical Malpractice Claims? 

Medical malpractice occurs when a patient is injured or harmed as a result of poor medical treatment or a mistaken diagnosis on the part of a doctor, nurse, technician, or medical provider. It’s essentially an incident during which a healthcare professional has failed to do what a reasonably careful and competent professional would have done in a similar situation with similar circumstances.  The Four Most Common Bases for Filing a Malpractice Claim When malpractice occurs, victims have an opportunity to pursue a claim. Some people choose to do so and others don’t. Of the people who do, here are the…

Taking A Closer Look At Commercial Litigation

In order to be able to properly deal with a business conflict you do need the services of a really good business lawyer. This includes situations like arguments with shareholders, contracts, partners and employees. The legal action and the controversy dealing with business issues are parts of commercial lawsuits or commercial litigations. The lawyers that deal with the commercial lawsuits, like Joey Langston, are regarded to as being business lawyers. Business and law merge in commercial litigation. Also, such litigation appears in practically all business conflicts. Settling disputes is often much more important for businesses than going to court. The…

Technology and the Legal Profession

The way you work in a law firm, in the court room, or in legal transcription is changing. The professional habits, business practices, research approaches, and communication methodologies are all in flux. This change is a good thing. It highlights that the legal profession is not about to get left behind while other key industries and economic drivers learn to change how they operate. Technology is literally changing every aspect of how we communicate, work, shop, and relax. And when it comes to the legal profession, we’re seeing the same impacts. In fact, it’s a relief to see the legal…

The Basics on Recordings of Conversations and their Use in Court

In today’s world, you can find excellent recording equipment to document, in digital form, conversations that have taken place – even without the person being questioned aware of the actual recording. You can find recording equipment in the corner shop that just a decade ago would be available only to the most secret government agencies. There’s an advantage to that. However, it doesn’t go uncontested. Yes, we can record conversations secretly and have a testimony on tape (or USB), but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be useful. In fact, it might actually harm. It all depends on the…

Checklist if You Have Suffered a Personal Injury

If you have suffered from a personal injury which was caused as the result of someone else then you need to seek legal representation. The reason for pursuing a claim against what caused your personal injury is not about getting your hands on money or just bringing about justice, it is also so that you can play a role in avoiding the same thing happening to someone else. Suffering from a personal injury for something that wasn’t your fault can be incredibly frustrating on top of the injury itself and for this reason you really should take action. In order…

What to do if you have been charged with a felony

Of all the things that you happen to you in life, being charged with a felony is one of the most stressful. Prisons in America are ghastly places – if you have been wrongly accused of a crime, you need to do everything you can to avoid them. In this post, we’ll talk about the steps you should take the second handcuffs are slapped on your wrists. 1) Keep your mouth shut When a law enforcement officer arrests you for any crime, you will be read (or you should be read) your Miranda rights. These include the right to remain…

What to do after after getting in a car accident

Crunch! Car accidents can happen so fast! Someone on a cell phone decides to make a sudden lane change without checking their blind spot and sideswipes you. Some guy late for work blows through a red light and t-bones you. A selfish drunk decides to drive home instead of calling a cab, drifts over the center line, and crashes into you at 45 miles per hour (thank God for airbags and seat belts!). While you might want to phone a good Salt Lake car accident lawyer as soon as possible, there are a number of actions you should take care…

Disability Lawyers Fight Insurance Company Bullying Tactics

It’s a sad but true fact: people pay insurance companies to protect them if they become injured or disabled, but collecting a long term disability claim can be a real uphill battle. Simply put, insurance companies make money when they collect premiums, and lose out when they have to pay claims. That’s why they reject claims for any reason they can according to your policy, and while you do have to play by the rules of the contract, if you’re denied, you can always appeal a denial in a court of law. Insurance companies have lawyers working feverishly to protect…