Make Your Summer Vacation a Safe One

Safe Summer Vacation

Have you already got your summer vacation circled on your calendar?

If so, getting there is oftentimes half the fun, though you want to make sure you arrive there safe and sound.

In the event you are traveling by car, truck, perhaps even an RV, be sure that your vehicle (or rental) is as safe as can be. Unfortunately, accidents do occur at times, accidents that you certainly want no part of.

That said checking your vehicle, in this case an RV, is important before you even put one mile on it for the trip.

From a safety standpoint, you want to be sure that the vehicle is as fit as possible, meaning looking at items like the engine, tires, brakes, even safety features it offers.

So, once you have done a thorough review of the vehicle, will you be ready to have some R&R?

Preparing for Your Summer Getaway

As you look to enjoy your summer getaway, review the following items with your RV:

  1. Brakes and tires

Two of the most important components of any RV, your brakes and tires should get a maintenance review before you even pull out of your driveway.

With the brakes, have a professional mechanic check them out. If you’ve been hearing any screeching etc. as of late, that can be a clear indication of wear and tear on them.

As for your tires, a self-inspection will show you if any of them are lacking in the proper amounts of tread etc. If your tires are not in good shape, you could very easily blow one or more of them on your trip, something that could easily lead to an accident.

  1. Sightlines

How easy is it for you to see other vehicles and/or pedestrians when you are backing up with your RV?

With wireless backup cameras for RV’s, owners can better navigate their large vehicles in and out of parking lots, driveways etc. The cameras are also great in that they provide night clarity, allowing you to spot other vehicles and just as importantly pedestrians.

Even at slower speeds, accidents in parking lots, coming out of driveways etc. can lead to serious injuries and damage.

  1. Distractions

Although it isn’t technically a part of your RV, distractions can be one of the most dangerous things you will face when behind the wheel.

One of the biggest distractions that get many drivers (of all vehicles) in trouble is of course cell phones.

Whether using them to talk, text, even take pictures with while driving, they are a potential life-changer, one that is not good.

If you get the urge to use your cell phone, make sure you are safely off of the road, preferably where there is little or no traffic. Short of a major emergency, you should never use your phone while driving, especially a vehicle as big as an RV.

Another distraction to avoid is of course drinking and driving.

Although you may very well think you’re find to get behind the wheel, stop for a moment and think about how quickly that RV can become a deadly weapon for you and all the people sharing the road with you.

One of the nice things with RV’s is that many of them have beds etc. inside. You’re much better sleeping off a little too much alcohol than trying to get to your next destination while still under the influence.

From camping adventures to just seeing different historical sites locally or across the country, make sure your summer vacation (especially when operating an RV) is the safest it can be.