Home DIY Projects: Cheap Storage Ideas For Your Garage

Engaging in a DIY activity can be quite fun, especially in setting up a fancy garage space. A garage space is not only a space to park your car, but can also accommodate other items like a car jack, gardening tools, woods, planks, and saw, amongst other items of your choice.

However, it seems the more items you store in the garage, the more it accumulates and becomes cluttered. This makes the garage have a disorganized look that doesn’t appeal to the eyes. Now, this is also frustrating to deal with daily.

To do away with this, erecting a garage storage shelf is the first thing that should come to your mind. It helps in trimming down the clutters. Interested in knowing the types of garage spaces to build yourself? Then read these gathered tips.

1. A DIY Floating Shelf

We bet you would love garage storage that allows room for storing items that are quite heavy underneath. This floating garage space is one of the numerous DIY garage shelves ideas you don’t want to lose out on.

This shelf is easy to make – with either metal or wood. The wood certainly appeals more to many people. It allows you to leverage your garage space and even create an extra storage unit for other equipment. To commence building the shelf, you have to make provisions for wood which you will screw into the wall. Hardwood is your best option here.

While using metal can be nice, it’s not a great idea as it puts pressure on your wall, and you don’t want that. To get started on making this garage storage, you have to consider few things:

  1. Your preferred wood. Is it hardwood, softwood, or plywood? Whichever you choose is fine. But hardwood is the best option because of its sturdiness.
  2. Work tools: You will need several items to get you started on this project – Carpenter’s pencil, screwdriver, measuring tape, handsaw, and nails.
  3. A measurement and plan for the floating garage space: Begin with measuring the distance between your garage ceiling and the shelf. This is to ensure that you are not mounting pressure on your ceiling when hauling your items on it after building it. Make the space even. You can opt for about 12-15 inches of space. This means the higher the measurement, the higher space, and vice versa.
  4. Cut and place the woods according to the mapped-out measurement. Install the screw and haul it onto the wall. The next step is getting the screw into the wall. This is for a balance so the wood doesn’t fall off.
  5. When you are done with this step, and when you have verified that the wood is sturdy enough, it is time to get your items on the shelf.

2. An Opaque Bin Rack

While transparent bins can be just nice storage equipment, an opaque bin appeals much more in hiding the contents of the bins. The garage should be seen as a decent place, though some can be really cluttered. Storing work tools and equipment in these opaque bins ensures the neatness of the garage.

You can top this off by building a rack on the wall where you put these bins. To add to it, you can get the bins labeled to ease the stress of having to pore through which bin contained which tool. The ideal thing is to either get a customized bin or have the labels written in an ink.

Also, labeling the ink helps even your friends or coworkers know where to put each tool after use. Putting these bins in the rack helps save space in the garage and makes it clutter-free.

3. Attached Garage Storage Shelf

Other storage shelves may take a while to build – quite tasking and may need few hands to help. The attached garage storage shelf is the easiest to build as you can set it up with few tools.

Before you get started on this particular storage, there are few tools and things to be considered:

  1. Wood: Measure the wood you want to use for the work and cut it according to your desired length.
  2. Attach the screws to the wood and latch it into the wall. It is advisable to use an 8,12 or 20 shelf length.
  3. Make the distance between the first shelf board and the next one at least17 inches.
  4. Screw-in a horizontal manner from the top shelf board down to the ground.
  5. When you are done securing it in place, check to ensure it is firm and can hold your items.

4. Garage Storage With Door

Garage storage with shelves is the most organized of all the storage ideas. It makes the garage more organized and does a good job of keeping the clutter away. Items are hidden behind the storage door and appear very tidy at first glance.

Inside the shelf, you can store tools and items that are heavier and larger. Old clothes, toys, and gardening equipment can find a place here, away from the home where it piles to form more clutters.

Tools for setting this storage space up include:

  1. Circular saw, Adjustable wrench, Screw Driver, Safety glasses, and Staple ladder, etc.
  2. After you have gotten your materials, the next step is to measure the wood you intend to use. Get the appropriate size you intend your storage to be. Get a measurement of the space you intend to out the storage tool in and have a good feel of the partitions too.
  3. Next, tighten the ceiling frames to the studs and fasten the wood to the wall. Make sure you get it in the right shape. Try to make your wall straight before making the screw tight. When you are done, nail your wood in place. 


Read these tips to the end? Congratulations! You’re ready to get started on your garage storage. Take advantage of all these home DIY storage ideas – they’re cheap, durable, and fun. We hope these tips help you out!