Browsing CategoryLove

3 Keys to Being the Best Mom

If you’ve had a desire to become a mom anytime soon, how excited are you about the prospect of motherhood? Being a mom can be one of if not the most rewarding things you do in life. In the event you are a mom, would you like to improve things? This would be when it comes to how you raise your child and the relationship you have with them? With that idea in mind, how can you be the best mom possible? Enjoy All that Motherhood Has to Offer In doing all you can do when it comes to motherhood…

Personality Traits That Warrant Rethinking Relationships

As any relationship expert can attest, no coupling is perfect, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a pairing that doesn’t have room to grow. However, if your partner consistently exhibits certain personality traits, rethinking the relationship may be in your best interest. Although some people are able to learn from their mistakes and become people as a result, others simply become more extreme versions of their worst qualities. So, if your partner embodies any of the following traits, giving the relationship a second look stands to save you a tremendous amount of time, energy and stress. Consistent Belittlement  Some people…

Divorce and Your Mental Health

With athletes like Simone Biles and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott, singer Demi Lovato, and shows like A Million Little Things which has a storyline focused on mental health, the once taboo subject has been brought out in the open. Previously mental health was not talked about or brushed under the rug, however now it is an important topic of conversation. Understanding your mental health is very important. Especially now during this pandemic it is easy to let worry get the best of you.  Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can determine how we relate to others,…

Inviting Your Fiancée’s Family For Dinner? 6 Tips to Impress Your Future In-Laws

Assuming you’ve already proposed to your partner for marriage and she has gladly accepted it, the next step is a tad tricky if you are willing to involve both your families wholeheartedly. It is crucial that you foster a good relationship with your in-laws for a happily ever after. Great if you’re prepared to dive into conjugal preparation, but you should also be ready to hear about some new ideas of your in-laws without any opposition. Although the final planning of the D-day is upto you two, it will be a cherry on the top once your in-laws find you…

Wedding day fears and how to overcome them

You’ve planned your dream day to perfection, and as the date draws ever closer, you can’t help but think of all the things that could possibly go wrong. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone if you’re experiencing any of these worries, and many brides and even grooms to be go through exactly what you’re going through now in the run up to their wedding day. But what are some of the top fears that brides have on their minds before the big day, and what can you do to overcome them? The weather Ah, the good old British…

Expert Advice: Transferring Online Dating into Real Life

People meet on the Internet for different purposes. Some just want to brighten up their leisure time, others are looking for new friends, while some people are serious about finding the love of their life there. Statistics around the world show that about 13% of dating and video chat users are looking for a serious relationship. And that’s a lot, especially considering that many more people end up getting into relationships. Including those who did not initially plan this. By the way, today 17% of marriages start with dating on the Internet. In this article, we want to talk not…

4 Romantic Gift Ideas for Any Occasion

Sometimes you want to gift something to the person you love for no reason or a particular occasion. In your mind, you don’t need to wait for an anniversary, birthday, or Valentine’s Day to show your love and affection. Still, even though you want to give that special someone a romantic gift, you might not know what to buy to indicate your feelings toward them — and how intense those feelings are. Whether you want to celebrate an accomplishment, offer them support during a difficult time, or simply show that you care about them, you likely want to find a…

How to Buy the Perfect Oval Cut Engagement Ring For Your Special Day?

An engagement ring must showcase your unique personality and style as you proudly wear it each day. When your ring has an oval diamond, it spells elegance irrespective of the design being modern or traditional. Its long look makes your fingers appear slender and longer.  Oval cut engagement rings may reflect a regular, wide, or narrower shape. Their surface area is larger when you compare oval diamonds to round ones with the same carat weight. This versatile shape suits sharp lines and even softer engagement ring patterns, thereby achieving a minimal yet, timeless style.  Pros of an Oval Cut Diamond…

Evan Dombroski – Tips on Managing a Multi-Cultural Relationship

I have been dated a Mexican girl for a couple of years now and throughout that time we have really managed to workout how this thing can become successful. I have o say though, being in such a relationship is not without its challenges and at the beginning we relied on quite a lot of support. I can remember watching a brilliant video by the actor Evan Dombroski, who approached the subject of being in a relationship with someone who is from a different culture to yours. The advice which Evan shared at the time was super helpful and that…

How To Recognize Toxic Relationships

Today we hear the words “toxic person” and “toxic relationship” almost every day. Sometimes these words are abused to describe any discomfort in the relationship between partners. The fact is that toxic relationships are challenging to identify, to understand what is wrong. ● What are toxic relationships? You may have a feeling that something is not going well with this person, as you think is typical, or that you are catching yourself doing something you would never have agreed to before. But you can’t explain why. Beware of toxic relationships online. For instance, when you meet a beautiful stranger on…