Browsing CategoryDIY / Home Improvement

Dream 1200 Sq Ft House Plans & Designs

Looking for a home to fit the needs of your small family? When you’re looking at all the houses on the market, it can be challenging not to get sucked into the “more is better” mentality. If you are looking at the home plans, you’ll find that there are many large house plans to choose from. But, do you really need all of that home space? Would a small house not fit your needs if you have a small family, are living with just your spouse? In many cases, the answer would be no. There really is not a need…

Household Management After You Become A Mom

If you have recently become a mother, you must have been going through a tough time. The onus is on you to take care of the baby and at the same time, you have to manage the household.  Even if you reside in a 2 bedroom apartment it will be extremely difficult to manage it. Here are some tips to manage your household after becoming a mother: Prioritize Your Relationship With Your Child And Partner The most important thing right now for you is the bond you will make with your newborn. The affection and care offered by you will…

5 Things to Check Out When Shopping for Window Awnings

Window awnings can be a great and often necessary addition to your space. Not only do they serve a functional purpose, but they also make the area colourful, vibrant, and even unique. But as when investing in other furniture, structures, and appliances, you should consider a few things before investing in awnings. So we have made a list of a few things that you can keep in mind. These will help you have control over the functional and aesthetic aspects of your space.  Purpose and Function  When beginning your selection process, it is worth considering what purpose you want your…

What Would You Do Differently to Your Residence?

It does not matter if you’ve lived in your home for a short period of time or many years in fact. At the end of the day, you want to be as happy as you can with the place you call home. That thought in mind, is there anything you would like to do different to your home if given the chance to? From simple changes to major renovations, you may be at a point and time where changes are of great interest to you. What is Feasible When it Comes to Change? In looking at the potential for change…

Can You Redesign Your Home on a Tight Budget?

Credit: Sarah Pflug via Burst  It’s easy to get inspired by all of the home improvement projects that you see in online magazines and your social media feed. You want to redesign your whole home, but you just don’t have much of a budget to work with.  Don’t worry. You can still manage to make some big changes without spending very much at all. Here’s what you can do: Stay Away from Serious DIYs If you want to stay within a strict budget, you should stay away from serious DIYs that you would normally leave to the professionals, like plumbing…

Why You Should Consider Decorating Your Home with Wallpapers

There are quite a lot of DIYs on the internet nowadays. While this is largely positive as it opens your mind to ideas that you may never have conceived, it can also be quite overwhelming because there is just too much to see to the point that making simple decisions could become a chore. Therefore it is important to know what you really want before searching it up on Google.  Decorating your home a fun way to engage yourself productively. For many, painting their walls is a must-do, but hey, wallpapers are in vogue now so perhaps consider switching to…

Why Do Edibles Give You A Different High Than Smoking?

Many people are surprised when they try cannabis edibles for the first time. They are surprised by their potency. Let us discuss why that is the case! Cannabis is composed of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-9-THC). It is a group of Cannabinoid molecules. When people inhale Marijuana through smoking, this Δ-9-THC mixes in the person’s body through the sacks-like structure called alveoli in the lungs. It doesn’t get dissolved in our blood because it’s an oil-soluble substance that isn’t miscible in blood. After all, blood is mostly composed of water.  So, the breakdown and dissolving of this compound in our body take a…

Are You Shifting Into a New House? Follow This Checklist

Moving to a new house can seem like starting on a blank slate. It can be an exciting time, where you look forward to your new life immensely. Moving homes can mean moving to an entirely new neighborhood, switching schools or workplaces, and can thus be daunting yet thrilling. However, it can also be a hectic period, where you have your hands full with all the chores you have to do. Packing and unpacking, and properly settling into your new home is a process that can take several months. Without proper planning, you can find yourself overwhelmed with all the…

All Seasons Home Maintenance Checklist

Your house is your sanctuary, a haven where you unwind and relax. It contains cherishable and unforgettable memories of you and your loved ones. Therefore, you must take care of your home for it to last long. Unfortunately, certain elements such as seasonal change threaten the maintenance of your house and can deteriorate it gradually. Unless you know how to keep up with these changes, you may have to give up your haven. That is something no one wants.  The change in climate and temperature can wreak havoc on the interior and exterior of your household. You may become a…

What’s the best flooring for our living room?

  Next to the kitchen, our living room is the second main hub of our home. We move from having our delicious meals in the kitchen to relaxing with a glass of wine in front of the fire in the living room. With flooring often being the main feature of a room, it’s important to do our research as to which flooring is most appropriate for its use. Whether you’re from a busy family household or there’s just you, there’s always something for everyone. As a first rule, we would recommend staying away from carpet. This is mainly due to…