Posts Tagged“education”

How and Why Convert CR2 to JPG Format?

CR2 file is Canon camera’s RAW image that stores uncompressed and unedited images captured by sensors. Professional photographers make use of CR2 format as they can gain high-quality images. They are capable of working a lot on the photos due to every detail captured. Canon Raw Version 2 is a format based on TIFF specification.  CR2 format advantages  CR2 records 14 bits in comparison to JPGs 8 bits. Lossless details make this format perfect to store the originality of the photos essential for post-processing. Technically, even if the pictures are captured in JPG the sensor starts with RAW and then…

5 Tips to Getting an Internship as an International Student

If you’re a young person applying to study at a U.S. university, an internship may be in your sights. For most people who choose to study in this country, the long-term goal is to gain working experience here. If this sounds like you, here are a few tips to help you get an internship as an international student.   Research available options To be able to work in the U.S. as an intern and international student, you’ll need to make sure to apply for the right visa. Even with your student visa, you’ll need to apply for employment authorization for some…

Most Useful Preparation Tips for Class 7 Science Exam

Science as a subject, sparks curiosity and eagerness to learn, in school students. Science forms the basis of the student’s knowledge of the rest of the world. In class 7, students are introduced to the basics of advanced topics that are taught in higher classes. Class 7 essentially forms the base of a student’s knowledge of science as a more complex subject as compared to what they might have learnt in previous classes. Hence, students must prepare and learn this subject thoroughly to avoid difficulty in further classes. General Tips for Exam Preparation Prepare a timetable, allotting proper time to…

Can Online Classes replace the Traditional Classroom?

The world was already running at neck break speed while Covid-19 launched its attack. Kudos to the all-embracing no-discrimination goal of this virus, human beings experienced a halting pause to their routine. The ugly side of Covid is what kids are paying a price for—lack of access to resources that build their minds and souls! Schooling has an impact that transits from the basic education level to a higher plain of imbibing life lessons! Thanks to e-learning and online classes, education is still serving its basic duty. However, life lessons—it has paused to teach—thanks to the tech involved. Vibes that…

5 Tips To Teach a Young Child Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important personal attributes human beings can possess and it’s something that greatly benefits a person all throughout their life. Teaching and learning self-confidence should ideally start at a very early age, as it’s when children are very young that they are the most impressionable. However, it is important to note that SEL programs for elementary school also provide emotional benefits, such as self esteem and resilience, that last a lifetime. This article is going to focus on some tips and ideas to teach young children from a young age how to develop a healthy dose of…

Could Artificial Intelligence Replace our Teachers?

There are several improvements in the field of technology. Human beings have developed Artificial Intelligence to simplify some of the human work. Many world leaders speak of Artificial Intelligence as the future of the world due to their language development. Man has enabled specific and radical changes in various fields such as medicine and engineering, whereby robots perform multiple tasks. The backing up of scientific knowledge means that we could soon experience a shift in the way people interact and live their lives. Some people are using AI to help them to write my paper today while others explore the…

What Can You Do As a Parent To Prepare Your Child for the School Years?

Rather than simply sending your child off to school without any preparation whatsoever, it’s much better for the child (and the parents) if you spend time preparing them for the school days to come.  This article is going to focus on some ways that you, as a parent, can help get your child ready and prepared to face the school years. Why Preparation Is Important For many Aussie kids, starting school can be a scary and intimidating life change. They go from the comfort of home into a school environment and suddenly everything they’ve ever known in life has changed.…


Teaching is one of the noble professions regarded globally, and teachers receive respect from people of all walks of life. They impart their knowledge, help students become valuable citizens, boost their self-esteem and work with them to understand the relevant concepts. Effective teachers realize that teaching is learning, which is a lifelong process. Teachers bear the great responsibility of inspiring students to succeed in life by doing well in academics and working hard to grow. Today’s children will hold the reins of the world tomorrow, and they must strive hard to perform commendably in their chosen field. They need skillful…

The Importance of Professional Training during the Pandemic

When the lockdown came into effect, everything from training to education shifted online. Although physically, businesses were at a standstill, virtually we were still progressing. Over the last decade, e-learning has slowly grown and has now become the center of attention. E-learning covers all aspects of academia, from college education to training for certificates and professional development. The advantage of online training has become more critical than ever, with schools closing and inviting a hybrid model to a routine. Online learning provides you with the platform to leverage your time and build vital skills for your future. E-learning has brought…

Dharma Ocean Foundation on Considering Your Body’s Mind

Adapted from The Awakening Body: Somatic Meditation for Discovering Our Deepest Life by Dr. Reggie Ray, available from Shambhala Publications. Dr. Reginald “Reggie” Ray is the Director of the Dharma Ocean Foundation, dedicated to the evolution and flowering of the somatic teachings of the Practicing Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He teaches in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. The author of many books, audio courses, and online series, Reggie’s work and teachings draw from his background as a Buddhist scholar and practitioner. With a Ph.D. in the History of Religions from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago (1973),…