Can Online Classes replace the Traditional Classroom?

The world was already running at neck break speed while Covid-19 launched its attack. Kudos to the all-embracing no-discrimination goal of this virus, human beings experienced a halting pause to their routine. The ugly side of Covid is what kids are paying a price for—lack of access to resources that build their minds and souls! Schooling has an impact that transits from the basic education level to a higher plain of imbibing life lessons! Thanks to e-learning and online classes, education is still serving its basic duty. However, life lessons—it has paused to teach—thanks to the tech involved.

Vibes that matter

  • The first thing that online classes lack is the vigor of traditional classrooms. The energy, vibrancy and the attitudes that come to be in classrooms can never actually co-exist with virtual lessons. The lack of classroom humor is another bit that is deep seated in online learning setups. 
  • The school assembly programs that once taught students important values can never be replicated over the bits and bytes!
  • The lack of personal touch in lessons and learning, can never truly be part of e-learning. Naturally, in such an environment, students too develop personalities differently than in a traditional setup.

The Task factor

  • Of course, online learning has its advantages and it takes many efforts for providers to engage in the same. Having said that, this can only attract students as a temporary arrangement, fatigue gradually sets in, boredom comes next and finally students will begin to take on studies as a chore instead of something they actually want to engage in.
  • The involvement exists in online classes but the feel or “connect” ceases to be present! At best, such lessons can be a substitute, a backup or an emergency measure. These cannot become the norm. Schooling and classroom teaching is much more than just lessons and marks or assessments.

Productivity Proportions

  • While remote working models have been found to enhance productivity in certain sectors, real life experiences have proven that remote learning actually leads to heightened non-productivity. 
  • Lack of management, unforeseen issues, lack of guided approach that can be personalized as per child, in classroom setups lacks big time online.

Teacher Student Bonding Has Ceased

  • The healthy rapport of a teacher student relationship has almost eroded away. With Zoom and Teams becoming the medium for lessons, the personal guidance that a teacher could share with students has failed to exist online. 
  • Teachers are so stressed and overburdened that they are failing to keep up with the speed that online learning actually needs for better implementation. 

Classroom Learning wins any day

  • Classrooms are far from being replaceable yet since they come with a synergy that makes, even the laidback performers scale up. 
  • Motivation is a no-show across online learning routines. 
  • The lack of proper interaction or one-to-one connection is a massive downer that pulls down the case for online learning.
  • Over time online routines tend to become one track and mechanical. The lack of inclusiveness in e-learning is a gap staring at education players the world over. While lessening the gap is possible, the timeline involved in the same is longer than anticipated.


The fact that a pandemic has taken such a massive toll on us is noteworthy. The need of the hour is to take steps to hone social skills and learning in students. This is more relevant for the younger segment. In addition, educators need to take steps to engulf new age learning within traditional lesson plans. Children are gripped with social anxiety and the need to introduce tips to tackle back-to-school stress, has become pronounced.