How Small Businesses Can Begin To Save Water in 2020 And Beyond

When it comes to business priorities, you’re probably sitting there, as a small business owner, thinking about marketing, employee costs, and various insurances. However, saving water, that probably isn’t high on your ‘to-do’ list, is it?

If you live in a country where water isn’t a problem (like the UK, for example), saving water isn’t likely to be on your radar much. Sure, you may have heard about sticking a brick in the loo or turning the tap off when you brush your teeth, but when it comes to business water usage, it probably hasn’t crossed your mind.

Why You Should Care

The fact of the matter is, our planet has a lot more people on it now than it did just a few hundred years ago. The infant mortality rate on the African continent is now as good as it was in the West in the 1950s, and fewer people are living in abject poverty (less than a dollar a day by the UN’s standards) today than they ever have been before.

Although this sounds like good news for humanity (and it is), it’s actually very bad news for our water supply. Water is a finite resource and should be treated with respect. With so many billions of people wanting to use the scarce resource by the day, it suddenly becomes blindingly obvious that wasting water isn’t just a crime against your bank balance, but it’s a crime against humanity.

In purely economic terms, saving water also helps the price of water remain low, leading to cheaper business water rates.

Ways To Save

If you have woken up to the idea that saving water is a good idea for your business, here are three ways you can get in on the trend and become a water-saving hero for your employees, your planet, and your business bank account!

Talk To Your Employees

Teamwork makes the dream work! Get your employees on board with any new initiative and allow them to have their say. Explain why saving water is a good idea from a humanitarian point of view and exactly how they can help.

Fix Leaks

An obvious but so often overlooked point! Ensure that any leaks are fixed as quickly as possible on your business premises. Water tends to run, so a small drip could actually be a sign of a much larger leak. Get it fixed fast to avoid an unexpected indoor water feature.

Check Your Usage

Every month make it a priority to check the usage of your business water supply, especially if you are metered. This will help you identify exactly how much on average you’re spending on water, and you will be able to see any sudden spikes, which may be the result of an unknown leak. 

This information could save you thousands in the long run, especially if there is water leaking, and it is damaging the structural integrity of your business premises.