How Nurse Leaders Supported Frontline Nurses During Covid-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has put the healthcare sector under tremendous pressure. The rising infections and deaths from the deadly virus are causing disturbance across the sector. Meanwhile, the sector is contributing to the effort to reduce the impact of the pandemic. Today, everyone in this sector plays some role in the healthcare organization to deal with the pandemic and offer treatment to the patients. However, the top nurse leaders took a prominent role in tackling the situation effectively by supporting the frontline nurses and meeting their on-site needs. They are leading the team of nurses and utilizing the data to enhance patient care. They make themselves accessible for the nurses to deal with complex situations.

The nursing shortages already existed before the pandemic. Meanwhile, now these shortages are adding severe challenges for the healthcare sector to deal with the soaring infection rate and prepare for the waves. Nurse leaders provide support with expanded roles to fill the significant voids in the healthcare sector. Because, during the pandemic, it is crucial to fill the shortages to tackle this pandemic.

With the increasing demand for nurses in this pandemic, many individuals and health workers are willing to join nursing degree programs. Online education is providing the solutions to these individuals to continue their education. Aspirants can opt for online nursing degrees, which allow them to continue their education and job simultaneously.

Let’s discuss how nurse leaders supported frontline nurses during COVID-19.

Creating Special Covid-19 Task Force

One of the major steps that nurse leaders took during the pandemic was developing a special task force. The main responsibilities of these task forces were to determine the severity of infection, underlying condition, and medical assistance among patients. This task force would serve the patients directly in the isolation wards to provide the necessary medical care. Moreover, nurse leaders will also guide the nurses to tackle existing issues.

At the start of the pandemic, nurses faced representation and guidance from the authorities. No one knew the pattern of disease and infection rate. Meanwhile, the role of nurse leaders is assisting in developing the methods for patient treatment. The nurse leaders also help in PPE rationing management and disinfection to reduce the spread of disease among staff. These contributions will pave the way to defeat the pandemic and return to the normal world.

Enhancing Patient Care

When it comes to the daily struggle during the pandemic, patient care quality is never an exception. Now every patient expects high-quality healthcare services from the hospitals. Not just patients, but the healthcare organizations are also encouraging the existing staff to devise new measures and strategies for patient care. Moreover, the nurse leaders are also directly engaging with patients to determine their medical needs and increasing their health outcomes.

With the soaring infections overwhelming healthcare, nurse leaders are also encouraging evidence-based practice to ensure positive health outcomes for patients. Evidence-based practice involves the use of tools and data to provide treatment to patients. Since nurses are fighting on the frontlines, they need data and tools to quickly adapt to the patient situation and provide the best medical care. Moreover, the vaccination drives are also reducing the pressure for infections and hospitalizations of patients. Nurse leaders are playing a critical role in encouraging the staff to take their vaccination jabs timely. They are also assuring the staff of the effectiveness of vaccines and other details for how they will contribute to breaking the cycle of infections.


Not just patient care, but nurse leaders also serve the role of communicator for both nurses and patients. In the case of nurses, there is a rapid rise in work-related stress and depression. Most nurse professionals are working away from their families and living in isolation. These challenges lead to severe stress and other mental disorders among the staff. The motivation and mental support from the leaders will bring positive outcomes for the staff to make a positive difference in healthcare. Moreover, nurse leaders also provide accurate information backed by data to assure better strategies and healthcare practices.

These professionals are also relaying information to the global media. The latest information from the pandemic pattern and disease can assist policymakers in making the right decisions for imposing restrictions. These small contributions of the communication will leave an everlasting impact on healthcare, focusing on team development and leading. These leaders develop these exceptional skills with education and experience from the practice. This way, they can reduce the staff’s anxiety factors and advocate for patients and their families for health outcomes.

Final Words

As the infections continue to rise, it is hard to predict when this pandemic will end, and the world would return to normalcy. The pandemic has shed light on the crucial role of nurse leaders. There is a dire need to promote these aspects of nurse leaders to the world to reduce the severity of the pandemic. It will also aid in preparing for the future and enhancing the quality of care.