In a day and age when doctors and medicine are proving to be quite an effective combination at alleviating some of the pain patients with different ills have, there are still some battles that continue to be uphill ones.
When it comes to those matters, how can patients get through what oftentimes can only be accurately described as hell?
One of the ways to at least temporarily alleviate decrease the pain level is through medical marijuana.
For those with a medical marijuana card, they can access cannabis, giving them some temporary relief from the various pains that come in dealing with many illnesses and diseases. Such problems can include but are not limited to cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, and chronic pain.
The question for many patients looking for relief, how do I go about getting a medical marijuana card?
The process starts with a doctor’s exam.
He or she will examine you to review your medical history, go over your current medical issue or issues, discuss what pain treatment options are available, and to see if medical marijuana may in fact be the best way to temper some or most of the pain you are suffering from.
If you are approved to use medical marijuana, you will be able to access the drug at any legal dispensaries.
Medical Marijuana is Just Part of the Solution
While medical marijuana can help many individuals battling pain and the oftentimes rough effects of chemo, there are other means patients should use in conjunction with the cannabis prescription.
Among these:
- Diet – Although your doctor has likely already told you, diet can certainly make a difference in how you feel, even while battling some of the more challenging illnesses and diseases. Do your best to have a well-rounded diet, one containing as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Do your best to limit junk food and also stay away from alcohol (though a social drink or two isn’t likely to hurt). Given that medical marijuana can help lessen the issue of nausea, you may find using it allows you to eat more. If you are dealing with nausea and general indigestion from the illness you are battling, it is best to not load up on foods right before bedtime. Not only can this be a recipe for indigestion, but it can cut into your sleep, something you certainly need plenty of as you deal with one or more illnesses;
- Exercise – Yes, it can be hard to exercise, especially if your physical skills have been limited due to your illness or disease, receiving chemo etc. Do whatever you can to get even the smallest amount of exercise in during the day. Not only is exercise good in keeping the muscles healthy, but you can decrease the odds of having problems such as blood clots. If you are having limited to no movement on a rather regular basis, the odds of getting a blood clot increase. It can take just getting one blood clot to cause major problems, sometimes even death. Exercise is also good for the mind, allowing you to focus on a task each and every day. In the event you are having issues with walking, doing stretching exercise with your legs, upper body etc. are better than nothing at all;
- Outlook – Finally, suffering from illnesses or diseases can certainly get the better of many people. One of the ways to improve your chances of recovery or at least minimizing the pain you are dealing with is by having a positive outlook. Yes, some days can prove quite a challenge, but the goal is to look for some light at the end of the tunnel. Having something to get you through the day, be it family, friends, your religious beliefs, laughter, focus on one or more of these. While the treatments can prove painful both physically and mentally, know that there are people around you who support you all the time.
If you find yourself in need of help battling one or more illnesses or disease, medical marijuana may be just the item that provides that assistance.
Talk to your doctor today to see how using cannabis might bring you some relief when all is said and done.