If you have a hobby, which involves anything to do with arts and crafts, finding a good shop that you can visit whenever you need to stock up on supplies is absolutely essential. There’s nothing worse than running out of something you really need to finish off a masterpiece, only to discover you don’t actually know where you can buy it and you might have to wait several days to actually get your hands on it. If you run a business selling your creations, matters can get even worse, since customers may have paid and are waiting for their items to be delivered or collected.
What are the opening times?
Many people forget just how important this aspect of finding a good shop is. If you work throughout the day, you need to find somewhere that is open later in the evening. You might need to go and buy things after you’ve finished work, and you can’t always wait until the weekend. Check the opening times as they may open earlier in the morning or later in the evening, meaning that it’s a place you can go to any day of the week whenever you need.
What do they stock?
A good hobby shop Melbourne will stock a huge variety of different supplies, but you can always call in advance to make sure they have what you need. Some shops are smaller and others are huge with everything you could ever need. Just because it’s a large store doesn’t mean it’s going to be perfect for you – you might find exactly what you need in a much smaller store. Call in advance if you need something specific, or check online to see if it’s something they stock. If you find it online and you want to go into the shop to buy it straight away, call first to make sure they have that particular item in stock. This is important if you’re going to be buying quite a few of the same item – they may only have two or three remaining in the store. Most good shops will be able to order in the items you need, so if you can wait a few days, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
What are the prices?
If you’re running a business, you need to get the best price possible in order to maximise your profits and make running your business worth it. If you’re doing it as a hobby, you might be prepared to invest lots of money into it, but you might still want to get the best deal possible. After all, who doesn’t want to save money wherever they possibly can? You can check out the prices online or call and ask to be sent a brochure that you can browse at your leisure. If the store is close enough to you, why not pay it a visit to see the layout of the store as well as the items they stock and the prices for different sizes and styles.