How To Choose A Babysitter For Your Kids 

Finding a person you trust to look after your precious children can be a tricky challenge. There are plenty of people out there advertising themselves as babysitters, but you need to narrow down your options to find the person who’s going to be a perfect fit for your family. This is especially tough when you have a baby or small children who aren’t used to being cared for by non-family members. Use these tips to help make the decision-making process a little easier.

  1. Make sure they’re first aid certified. Whether you have a small baby or older kids who just need someone keeping an eye on them, it’s crucial that your babysitter has the first aid knowledge necessary to help out should anything go horribly wrong while you’re out of the house. Find a sitter who’s completed first aid courses brisbane so that you know they’ll be completely prepared if an accident happens. CPR courses will be a major perk, too, so ask to see their certifications to put your mind at ease.
  2. Ask for references. You’ll want to find a babysitter who’s experienced and at ease with children that are the same age as your kids, so ask for a couple references from previous employees when you conduct your interviews. If they don’t have positive references, it may be best to choose someone who you can have a bit more confidence in.
  3. Ask around. If you have friends or family members with children, they may have some recommendations for you during your babysitter search. Choosing a babysitter who comes recommended to you means they should be more reliable, and you can expect a more positive outcome than if you were to take on a stranger.
  4. Make a list. If you were hiring somebody at a business, you’d have a list of job requirements and candidate expectations before you began interviewing. Treat your babysitter hunt the same way – make a list of the expectations you have from your candidates and use it as a checklist while you go through CVs and conduct interviews.
  5. Give them time to warm up. When it comes to small children, it can take a little time for them to get used to a new adult presence in the home. Invite the new babysitter over for shorter time periods while you’re still home, and let them play with the kids so they can get used to each other. This should make the transition easier when the time comes to leave them alone together.
  6. Give the babysitter plenty of information. You’ll make the babysitter’s job easier if you give them all of the information they need. Make sure they know where all of the baby supplies are, what food the kids can eat, and what tips work well for soothing your little ones. While they should be experienced enough to figure out much of the childcare tricks themselves, every child is different so personalised advice can be a huge help. Write down a list of detailed instructions so that they have all of the information they need to do the job well, and don’t forget to leave all of the relevant contact details should they need to call you.