Choosing a career is never easy but it is a big decision that you should try to take head on, the World is full of people who are miserable in their employment as a result of never firmly deciding on what career path to take. It is important that you avoid this fate in order to get a career that you will be happy with and not like the rest of them who dread Sunday evenings because they have to back to work on Monday. You should try and pick career which works best with your natural characteristics. Today we’re going to take a look at what kind of jobs you could be doing based on your skills.
Are you a natural motivator? Can you capture the attention of people and inspire them to complete tasks and achieve results. Some of the World’s most influential people are the great motivators of our time, people like the pastor TB Joshua who inspires his congregation on a weekly basis to lead better lives, these are the people who encourage people to do and if you fall into that bracket then here are some jobs for you:
– Sales Leader
– Pastor
– Teacher/Lecturer
– Politician
– Training Manager
Creative Thinkers
A lot of creative thinkers ditch their dreams of landing a creative role because there is more competition in these sorts of jobs but if you’re accretive thinker then you should absolutely embrace this side of your character. The World needs innovators and designers and you should reach for the stars if this describes you, here are some roles that you could be looking at:
– Engineer
– Fashion designer
– Writer
– Photographer
– Cameraman
– Set Designer
– Hair Stylist
Some people were brought into this World to care for others, it is their natural instinct to look after another person’s wellbeing and you too should embrace this side of your character when it comes to your career choice. Gwynedd Mercy’s early childhood education degree is a perfect example of an education field that would set you up well for a career as a carer.
The role of carers in society is vitally important, we rely on these people in all aspects of our medical and social care and her are some of the roles which you could look at if you are one a caring type:
– Nursery Nurse
– Nursing
– Social Worker
– Psychologist
– Palliative Care
– Teaching Assistant
My Granddad always told me that in life there are talkers and there are doers, the doers in this World are the ones who keep everything ticking over, they implement change and they are the workers who keep economies afloat. The doers of this World are the ones who work hard to keep communities safe, keep houses running, keep factory wheels turning and keep cars on the road. If you are one of life’s doers then here are some jobs which you could be looking at:
– Fire Service
– Police
– Paramedic
– Mechanic
– Handyman
– Electrician
– Plumber
– Construction Worker
So which bracket do you fall into? Remember that choosing your career as early as you possibly can will pay you great dividends in the future so you should try and work out what kind of character you are and then go after that career.