The appliances in your office each add to your monthly electricity bills and in order to make sure that you do all you can to keep costs at your company contained, you need to understand which appliances are the ones that cost the most each month to operate, and how to lower your electricity cost for each of those appliances. Utility Bidder has released an in-depth study to give your company more information about electricity costs of business appliances.
In short, here are some of the key points you need to know.
Heating and Cooling are usually the Biggest Electricity Costs
Your company’s HVAC, or AC and heating units are likely by far the largest electricity cost for your business. In fact these units might make up to 70% of all the electricity your company uses each month. Smart businesses purchase high efficiency units and make sure that those units are maintained as their service plans dictate. They also know that after about a dozen years, these units quickly lose efficiency.
And that it is smarter to purchase new units, rather than pay increasing costs for the old ones. In addition high quality new units are always much more efficient than the ones they replace. Of course even with well-maintained or new heating and cooling units, you should watch the thermostat, and make sure that units aren’t being turned off and on in empty rooms or areas of your company.
Turn Off Lights and Unplug Appliances
Because lights are so small oh, they can often be overlooked as energy wasters. However when you add up all of the light bulbs in your business, it is likely that they will be several dozen. Collectively they can cost you lots of money in electricity bills every month. Switch to newer bulbs and those that are much more efficient and you will save your company money every month.
Additionally make sure that electrical appliances that are not in use or unplugged. Today’s electrical appliances have a standby mode when plugged in so that they one more quickly for you. These low energy modes still use electricity even when they are off. Turn them off, and this is another way for you to lower your company’s monthly electricity bill.
Finally, consider working with a utility bidder who will search the area for the best electricity rates for your company. Utilizing this type of service can save you hundreds each month on your electricity bills.