5 Ways to Return Your Good Sleep

Recent statistics reveal that over 30 million Americans have chronic insomnia. In the current fast-paced society, a good sleep at night is becoming an indulgence. For most of us, it’s the least among our priorities after occupation, chores, entertainment, and social time. Most individuals are unaware of how important it is to get adequate sleep at night regularly. As school and work deadlines approach, most people consider staying awake throughout the night to complete the remaining task.

However, studies reveal that it’s the worst thing ever to do. Do not perceive sleep as a luxury. It is instrumental for your mental and physical health, just like water and food. Adequate and regular sleep is vital in:

  • Helping your brain to process new information.
  • Repairing muscle tissue.
  • Restoring energy.
  • Regulating essential body functions.

Short-term Effects.

Inadequate sleep may lead to:

Difficulty in Concentrating.

Seventy studies carried out to determine the impact of inadequate sleep revealed that it greatly affected concentration. Sleep-deprived individuals who got tasked with pressing a button every time they observed a flash of light had difficulty focusing.

Besides, they missed more flashes of light when compared to individuals who got adequate and regular sleep at night. Simple attention assists us to remain safe. Try to imagine your reaction towards traffic hazards or stoplights if you failed to get adequate sleep.

Disturb Mood.

If you ever felt irritable after an inadequate sleep at night, then you will understand the correlation between mood and sleep. Research indicates that individuals who get less sleep tend to classify neutral images as negative. Even mild annoyances may appear to be menacing after failing to get enough sleep at night.

Increased Stress.

Research carried out on two groups of healthy adults revealed that the group deprived of enough sleep before the presentation day had severe stress while responding to simple tasks. Besides, the sleep-deprived individuals exhibited elevated blood pressures.

Long-term Effects.

Even though returning to regular sleep patterns may restore the short-term adverse effects of a single day’s poor sleep, the long-term effects of constant sleep deprivation could be so dangerous. The long-term complications of inadequate sleep include:


The rising cases of obesity are related to poor sleep patterns and inadequate sleep. Brain scans on sleepy adults revealed that they find difficulty in distinguishing between low and high-calorie foods. In a tired situation, the brain’s region that controls and inhibits behavior and emotion remains inactive.

The resultant effect is excessive eating and poor choices of food, causing obesity. Other studies also reveal that inadequate sleep also suppresses the hormone that signals individuals of fullness when eating. The outcome is excessive eating leading to obesity. More long-term sleep deprivation effects include depression, reduced immune function, elevated blood pressure, increased breast cancer risk, and a high risk for type 2 diabetes.

Common Causes of Losing High-Quality Sleep.


Numerous causes for sleeplessness in adults exist. They include medical conditions, lifestyle choices, and poor sleeping habits. There are minor causes that improve after self-care. However, other reasons require serious medical attention. Excessive stimulation before bed rest, such as exercising, playing video games, and watching television, may cause insomnia.

Other common causes of sleeping difficulties in adults include uncomfortable bedroom, over-excitement, caffeine intake, and aging. Note that excessive sleeping during the day and certain prescription medicines can also hinder you from getting regular sleep.

It’s also common for work schedules, depression, worries, and stress to prevent you from getting enough sleep. Sleep difficulty is also common among individuals with underlying conditions such as restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, and insomnia.


It’s normal for infants to wake up numerous times during the night. It is not until they are six months that they will begin to sleep throughout the night. Sleeplessness signs in infants could result from digestive problems, hunger, sickness, or the teething process.

5 Ways to Return Your Good Sleep.

If you experience difficulty staying asleep or falling asleep, you are not alone since most people have the same challenge. It’s a problem that requires immediate intervention because adequate sleep is critical for you to deliver your best daily operations. Adults need an average of eight-hour sleep every night. After paying attention to your pattern of sleep for about two weeks, you may consider the following five strategies:

1. Get Up from the Bed.

If you realize that you cannot fall asleep, get up from the bed and engage in something that promotes relaxation. The activities may include concentrating on the breath or reading an uninteresting book. Once you feel drowsy, return to the bed.

2. Change Your Go-to Bed Habits.

Similar to kids, adults also sleep well with a specific bedtime routine. Repeating similar tasks before getting to bed each night will assist in preparing your body to rest. Besides, your brain also gets conditioned to sleep. Stick to actions that enhance relaxation, such as meditation, reading, stretching, or writing a journal.

3. Make Sure It’s Dark.

Minimize sound and light as you get to bed. These environmental factors negatively influence the quantity and quality of sleep. When it’s dark, your brain will release melatonin, which has a sleepy and calming effect. Hence, the importance of keeping off light as you get to bed. Avoid television and computer lights as well that may hinder you from falling asleep.

4. Test Melatonin and HGH.

Studies of Medzone hgh clinic reveal that the melatonin hormone stimulates the production of human growth hormone. It is only possible with adequate and regular sleep because the growth hormone is sleep-dependent. Growth HGH prevents dwarfism.

5. Manage Stress.

Your ability to manage stress will determine the ease with which you fall and remain asleep. Stressful situations are common. However, when it gets to anxiety and worries, it will interfere with your sleep. In case your engaged mind keeps you awake throughout the night, practice techniques for managing stress before getting to bed. You may consider meditation, deep breathing, or aromatherapy.

If you don’t realize the change immediately, do not give up. Keep adjusting till you overcome the sleepless nights.