Cryptocurrency trading is facilitated by the blockchain technology in rendering highly securefinancial transactions involving virtual, digital currencies. This digital currency has mostly gainedmomentum in the last few years, with many investors centering on Bitcoin’s most popular coin.Singapore leads the way in cryptocurrency trading, a fact attributed to friendly supportivemeasures put in place by the government and the embrace of the new technology innovations inthe world of business. This articleexamines the factors making Singapore a favored destinationfor blockchain-driven cryptocurrency trade amidst completion from other nations worldwide.Government InitiativesSingapore has risen as the center of digital currency trading in Asia through itsfriendly attitudetowards cryptocurrency andblockchain. This position has been cemented by the government’sreadiness to employ the Monetary Authority of Singapore, MAS, inclearing payments andsecurities through the ledger technology distribution. Moreover, the OpenCerts platform has sincebeen created for education institution graduates. The platform, which uses Ethereum smartcontracts, is used in the validation of digital certificates. The Singaporean government enactsfavorable tax laws regarding cryptocurrency trading, making it globally recognized with a friendlyjurisdiction.These initiatives have been backed by regulatory measures towards cryptocurrencies by othergovernment agencies by creating the Payment Services Act 2019 (PS Act 2019). The PS Act istasked with regulating intermediary transactions in specific cryptocurrencies. Among other areasof concern, this Act pays attention to consumer safety and focuses on money-laundering. Althoughit is not yet in force, the PS Act promises to offer regulatory licensing measures and the guidelinesfor cryptocurrency operations. In contrast to this, neighboring nations, including India, have sinceprohibited all cryptocurrency transactions due to inadequate regulatory standards, makingSingapore a favored destination.Singaporean Law and ArbitrationThe government has successfully promoted the governing law regarding cryptocurrency contractsdue to the nation’s emergence as a blockchain and digital currency hub. This is attributed to thefact that the Singaporean law on cryptocurrency is generally neutral and developing at an increasedspeed. The Singapore International Commercial Court, in a previous case involvingcryptocurrency transactions, allowed the digital currencies to be perceived as an abstract property. Moreover, cryptocurrency contracts are deemed legal because they are acceptable under the law. These factors make Singapore a top jurisdiction in cryptocurrency arbitration because of thecountry’s neutrality and efficiency.Airline Industry
In South-East Asia, Singapore has emerged among the first countries in implementing blockchaintechnology and cryptocurrency in the airline industry. Consequently, passengers,airport staff,ground service providers, and the crew onboard can access current, verified information oneverything concerning departures, delays, and arrivals. The merging of blockchain and the airlineindustry has resulted in minimal dissemination of outdated or contradicting flight informationthrough airport and airline websites and text messages to passengers and staff.In reinforcing this initiative, Singaporean Airline’s Krisflyer transformed the payment and loyaltystructure through blockchain intheir current digital wallets. As a result, passengers and staff usedigital wallets to effect transactions while onboard or within the airport. Moreover, customers’loyalty is reflected in their frequent use of flyer miles in their dealings, which in turnattracts morepeople in trading in cryptocurrencies.EducationStudents from various parts of the world are attracted to their further studies in Singapore due tothe technology-led learning mode offered in the education institutions. Universities and employersare currently able to examine student qualifications records in a more secure, quick, and easy waythrough smart contracts. Moreover, blockchain in the education sector has made it easy for studentsto access the learning content and courses, basedon their grades and previous scores.In this way, students enjoy increased individual control over their education. Several educationinstitutions provide students with blockchain IDs, which their potential employers use to accessthe students’ academic records and history. Furthermore, with the use of the blockchain ID, thestudents’ certificates are quickly on their individual LinkedIn profiles on graduating. Theuniversities quickly access and r credentials through the blockchain system. To reinforceblockchain technology in the education sector, the National University of Singapore (NUS) plansto collaborate with IBM in developing a blockchain-based curriculum and distributed ledgertechnology. This effort is aimed at honing engineering students’ skillsin the fields of cryptography,data analytics, economics, and auditing.HealthcareThe use of blockchain technology has reduced the amount of time spent by doctors attending topatients in Singapore. In this regard, SGInnovate, a technology development firm owned by thegovernment, has since invested in MediLOT Technologies, a blockchain and healthcare, andanalytics start-up. This investment is geared towards developing a research-based deep technologyprogram to improve medical care efficiency in Singaporean hospitals. Moreover, other companies,such as BlockVerify, are concerned with the pharmaceutical sector by digitally tracking medicalproducts in ensuring only suitable drugs are provided to the patients. As a result, patients fromother countries arelikely to travel into Singapore for advanced medical attention facilitated by theblockchain technology.The Bottom LineSingapore has emerged as a giant in South-East Asia in using blockchain technology in variousfields, as outlined in this article. This has been supported and reinforced by the government, as well as the public sector. The government has put in place measures accompanied by neutral lawsregarding cryptocurrency. In contrast, the public and private sectors have equally embraced andmaximally utilized blockchain technology in healthcare, education, and the airline industry, amongmany others. Consequently, people from around the globe are attracted to Singapore with a keeninterest in cryptocurrency and blockchain industries and technologies. This, in turn, cements thecountry as the region and global hub of blockchain technology. Learn more about cryptocurrency from
In South-East Asia, Singapore has emerged among the first countries in implementing blockchaintechnology and cryptocurrency in the airline industry. Consequently, passengers,airport staff,ground service providers, and the crew onboard can access current, verified information oneverything concerning departures, delays, and arrivals. The merging of blockchain and the airlineindustry has resulted in minimal dissemination of outdated or contradicting flight informationthrough airport and airline websites and text messages to passengers and staff.In reinforcing this initiative, Singaporean Airline’s Krisflyer transformed the payment and loyaltystructure through blockchain intheir current digital wallets. As a result, passengers and staff usedigital wallets to effect transactions while onboard or within the airport. Moreover, customers’loyalty is reflected in their frequent use of flyer miles in their dealings, which in turnattracts morepeople in trading in cryptocurrencies.EducationStudents from various parts of the world are attracted to their further studies in Singapore due tothe technology-led learning mode offered in the education institutions. Universities and employersare currently able to examine student qualifications records in a more secure, quick, and easy waythrough smart contracts. Moreover, blockchain in the education sector has made it easy for studentsto access the learning content and courses, basedon their grades and previous scores.In this way, students enjoy increased individual control over their education. Several educationinstitutions provide students with blockchain IDs, which their potential employers use to accessthe students’ academic records and history. Furthermore, with the use of the blockchain ID, thestudents’ certificates are quickly on their individual LinkedIn profiles on graduating. Theuniversities quickly access and r credentials through the blockchain system. To reinforceblockchain technology in the education sector, the National University of Singapore (NUS) plansto collaborate with IBM in developing a blockchain-based curriculum and distributed ledgertechnology. This effort is aimed at honing engineering students’ skillsin the fields of cryptography,data analytics, economics, and auditing.HealthcareThe use of blockchain technology has reduced the amount of time spent by doctors attending topatients in Singapore. In this regard, SGInnovate, a technology development firm owned by thegovernment, has since invested in MediLOT Technologies, a blockchain and healthcare, andanalytics start-up. This investment is geared towards developing a research-based deep technologyprogram to improve medical care efficiency in Singaporean hospitals. Moreover, other companies,such as BlockVerify, are concerned with the pharmaceutical sector by digitally tracking medicalproducts in ensuring only suitable drugs are provided to the patients. As a result, patients fromother countries arelikely to travel into Singapore for advanced medical attention facilitated by theblockchain technology.The Bottom LineSingapore has emerged as a giant in South-East Asia in using blockchain technology in variousfields, as outlined in this article. This has been supported and reinforced by the government, as well as the public sector. The government has put in place measures accompanied by neutral lawsregarding cryptocurrency. In contrast, the public and private sectors have equally embraced andmaximally utilized blockchain technology in healthcare, education, and the airline industry, amongmany others. Consequently, people from around the globe are attracted to Singapore with a keeninterest in cryptocurrency and blockchain industries and technologies. This, in turn, cements thecountry as the region and global hub of blockchain technology. Learn more about cryptocurrency from