Top Podcasts and Online Radio Shows on Wealth Management

Podcast and digital radio have come a long way with over a billion downloads and subscribers on Apple podcasts alone.

Podcasts and digital radio is an excellent way to learn more about specific topics such as wealth management. They’re convenient to listen to while driving and easily accessible from your iPod, smart phone, and even your computer.


Here is a list of some of the best shows available for streaming right now.

BiggerPockets Podcast

Rated as the number one real estate podcast on iTunes, the BiggerPockets Podcast is hosted by Josh Dorkin and Brandon Turner who deliver interviews, and tips to their listeners each week for those looking to grow their real estate business.

The show is popular because the advice, tips, and the information is full of real, practical advice. If you are thinking about starting a real estate career or want to brush up on the goings on in the real estate industry, this could be the podcast for you.

Smart Money with Keith Springer

Invest for need, not greed is the motto of this twice-weekly broadcast by financial advisor Keith Springer. Recent podcasts include 5 Secret Do’s and Don’ts that Drive Successful Investors, How the 2016 Tax Code Changes Will Affect You!, The Top 10 Secrets Retirees Don’t Tell You and an interesting podcast with Two Superstar Billion Dollar Money Managers. You can find the podcast on iTunes or listen live on Saturday at 1 pm and Sunday at 6 am each week.

The Clark Howard Show

A longstanding name in the world of personal finance Clark Howard is an expert on financial matters and a host of a podcast and radio show. The syndicated “Clark Howard Show” covers how to save money, spend less money and avoid the many consumer rip-offs. You can listen live and even call into Howard who is on the air every day Monday to Friday or you can listen to his podcasts at your convenience. This is a great show for getting straightforward advice on saving money and preparing for the future.

Freakonomics Radio

The Freakonomics Radio Show is an extension of the popular

“Freakonomics,” and “SuperFreakonomics” books that were co-authored by journalist Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt. An award-winning weekly podcast (with millions of downloads a month) Freakonomics Radio airs on public-radio stations across the country. On Freakonomics Radio, Dubner uncovers “the hidden side of everything” and he routinely covers topics ranging from racially profiling employees to how to win games and beat people. The podcast covers how to think creatively, rationally and productively, particularly about finances and other resources.