Posts Tagged“education”

Wastewater Treatment a Growing Concern for Municipalities

Wastewater treatment is one of the most important public services municipal governments oversee, and ensuring that waste is dealt with in an effective manner, and that all citizens have access to high quality drinking water, is a cornerstone responsibility of local government. But governments that want to ensure the highest standards of water quality face a range of different challenges. In many jurisdictions, pollution is a major concern, and with the global fresh water shortage anticipated to reach crisis levels within the century, it is becoming increasingly important for municipalities across Canada and the United States to be more assiduous…

Best Practices On Forklift Battery Maintenance

Correctly handling forklift and implementing proper maintenance on forklift battery add to its longevity. On an average, majority of lead-acid type forklift batteries has around 2,000 charge cycles. This gives it about five years of service life and to really maximize the battery’s full potential, proper maintenance of the forklift battery should be observed. Every forklift operator should know the proper way of handling its battery since it is considerably heavy and quite dangerous if mishandled. It is imperative that they are guided and educated on the best practices on forklift battery maintenance to protect your employees and ensure your…

Why Millennials Prefer to Study Part-Time

As the latest demographic evidence shows, the Millennial generation — already the largest group of consumers in North America — is expected to outnumber the Baby Boom generation by the end of 2019. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that this younger, more tech-savvy generation is already having a major impact on how education, job training, and the labour economy work. It is often noted that Millennials have a much more flexible approach to work than their elders did. They tend to be highly entrepreneurial, and most don’t expect to stay at a single company long-term. Instead, they create bespoke career…

How Much Information Can a License Plate Give You?

Just like people use different online sources to get information about professional resume writing services, like, all car drivers and other road users have to know how useful license plates could be. Sooner or later, you may find yourself curious to look up a license plate number you’ve encountered in public—whether it’s to track down the owner or to uncover more information about the vehicle. But before you move forward with this strategy, you should know there are some serious limitations to an online license plate owner lookup, and you may not be able—or legally allowed—to get the information…

Douglas A. Grady on How To Get Started In Engineering

Engineering is a wide spectrum of industries which center around the creation of solutions to common problems. Within this there are engineers all over the world who are inventors of some remarkable products and installations. Douglas A. Grady is a man who works with these inventors, ensuring that these men and women own the intellectual property rights to their inventions, basically meaning that they get the credit for the invention, and any profit which is made as a result. There are many people who have a creative mind who would love to get into engineering, so I spoke to Douglas…

Martin Lloyd Sanders talks about the best military myths he’s come across

He looks after a huge number of workers (it can be as many as 190), and is ultimately responsible for their health and safety. There’s no doubt that Martin Lloyd Sanders has one of the most responsible positions in the military, while the fact he is an officer in the US Public Health Service and Director of the Environmental Health Services Division for Occupational Health speaks volumes as well. However, his position of authority has meant that he has come across umpteen misconceptions about military life. These can revolve around anything from health to safety, and through the course of…

Jack Elway on Understanding College Recruitment Letters

Every year, a buzz of excitement sweeps the country on September 1st. This is when the college recruitment process starts to bein and tens of thousands of young people become hopeful. It is on the 1st of September that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) starts to send out recruitment letters to high school juniors. Jack Elway has been involved in this process for many years and he understands how exciting and scary these times can be for kids and parents alike. Jack Elway Explains College Recruitment Letters Those first letters sent out basically express an interest that a college…

Will Your Child Receive a Well-Rounded Education?

Making sure your child gets a well-rounded education should be high up on your list of priorities. That said are you happy with the education they are receiving now? If you answered no to this question, do you have any plans in mind to change things moving forward? Unfortunately, too many kids get lost in the shuffle over time. As a result, they could miss out on the opportunity to get into college one day. If this happens, it can make getting a good-paying job all the more difficult. So, is it time to look and see if your child…

Four Benefits of Taking College Prep Math

Math. For many students, it’s their least favorite academic subject. However, few subjects are as important as mathematics. Math is vital for a vast range of fields. If you go into business, understanding business finance is vital. Many scientists deal with advanced equations and mathematical concepts on a daily basis. Public servants need to understand all of the data coming in, such as traffic flows, expenditures and more. Taking college prep mathematics can go a long way for your college education. College prep math refers to getting you prepared for college-level mathematics. This could mean advanced algebra, calculus, and other…

Why is Your Kid Struggling in School?

  Do you scratch your head at times to why your child is not doing better in school? Having struggles in and out of class can be problematic on many different fronts for your kid. First, bad grades can lessen the chances they will get into the college of their choosing. Second, difficulty in school can lead to problems outside of the classroom. This can be everything from a lack of focus around friends and family to running afoul of the law. Last, not doing well on the education front can rob your child of one day getting a good…