Amazon FBA is nothing new, and nor are the courses like those offered by Nine University, they are however increasing a great deal in popularity in the last 12 months. In fact if you look at the Nine University reviews, you can see that there have been more left in the last year than there has been in all the years previously, such is the uptake in people wanting to study the course. If you have been reading about Amazon FBA and you are not sure what it is all about, or why people are taking courses, then here is a brief description of it all for you.
So What on Earth is Amazon FBA?
Fulfillment by Amazon is a business model which is working for thousands of people all over the world. The model is very simple in reality, someone sets up a business and begins to sell products through the Amazon platform, when the customer buys one of those products, Amazon handles all of the shipping for the business, they do this of course, for a small fee.
Why Do People Use It?
There are some clear benefits for those who are setting up Amazon FBA business, most notably that they are able to launch a business with very little investment, and the shipping and the logistics will all be handled by the retail giant. Amazon offer storage for the products so that businesses can quite literally have their manufacturer send the products directly to an Amazon warehouse, this means that the business has very little responsibility around the logistical side of the shipping process. Amazon will even ship products which are sold on other channels, giving businesses a lot of scope in terms of where they sell their goods.
Why Do People Take Courses?
There is absolutely no prerequisite that someone must take a course before they launch an Amazon FBA business, but what the likes of Nine University offer is a chance to increase the levels of potential success that someone can have with this type of business. These courses are designed and operated by those who have had previous success with this type of business and they are able to use their experience and their expertise to teach the next generation how to find the success that they are looking for. This is why people want to study first, so that they will be able to go straight into the market with the skills, the knowledge, the tools and the confidence to make a real go of this. Another key reason why so many are looking to carry out a course first, is that they have seen the levels of success that some others who have taken the course have been able to find.
More and more people are talking about Fulfillment by Amazon because it is providing more and more people with a way to make some big profits.