A passive antenna is an antenna that does not have an amplifier. They come in handy in applications that don’t require a long distance between antenna and receiver. The passive antenna contains radiating elements like a helix structure. It does not require any power supply, unlike the active antenna. What they require is an LNA on the signal receiver. Also, they work with a variable attenuator which decreases the electrical energy of the signal of the antenna without distorting the quality of the signal. It adjusts the power, provides isolation for certain components and lowers reflection interaction.
The significance of the antenna is that it can help to improve the quality of calls. It enhances the quality of a person’s voice and there’s not much trouble finding a signal. It also allows you to have the freedom of using any network provider of your choice as signal and reception aren’t dependent on the service provider.
What is the Difference Between Passive Antenna and Active Antenna?
As we can see, the only real difference between a passive antenna and an active antenna is that an active antenna includes an amplifier. Other than that, there is no difference. This is why the only reason to use an active antenna is to make up for cable loss in receiving applications.
However, another thing to note is that active antennas use fiber optic instead of a coaxial cable, which is much more expensive. Main reason why active antennas are much more costly than passive antennas.
How does a Passive Antenna work?
Basically, a passive antenna needs one or more smaller antennas that get signal from nearby receivers. These antennas redistribute the captured signal and also amplify it. This makes the signal considerably stronger.
There should be a signal source
The signal source can be from a cell phone tower or some other carrier but it must exist because it must work with a signal. A signal cannot be created from anything.
Include exterior antennas
With exterior antennas, you can place them at the most suitable point to capture the signal.
Route of signal
Signals should go through the exterior or from whichever antennas they were captured from through coaxial cables to the broadcast antennas.
Feel free to connect other devices
When you’re completely set up you can now connect other cellular devices with the broadcast antenna.
What are the advantages of using Passive Antennas?
Passive antennas offer a wide range of benefits. At the top of the list are the facts that they offer better call and data connections. This way they improve call/voice quality, reliability and maximize efficient data use. It also reduces the need of relying on the location of the signal towers.
At the end of the day, it all depends on the use you will give to them. Passive antennas are the best option for applications requiring a shorter distance between receiver and antenna.