Do You Need a CDN with Cloud Hosting?

If you are still deciding whether you should switch to CDN with cloud hosting, take into account the fact that already about half of the world’s Internet traffic is provided by CDN. This means that there is a high probability that your competitors already use hosting with CDN services. In this case, they received additional benefits that can be yours.

Why CDN Is an Important Complement to Cloud Hosting

Due to the distribution of servers in the CDN network around the world, the page loading speed of your site will rise significantly. This implies that the conversion of site visitors into potential consumers also increases.

Thanks to the accumulation of a huge amount of data in the CDN, you get additional in-depth analytics. With its help, the developers of your site can optimize it, and you can increase your sales.

Thanks to CDN, you will not encounter a situation of overloading the main server since the information will be cached through the servers closest to consumers. This strengthens the security of using your website due to less availability for cyberattacks.

Where Is the Best Place to Order the CDN with Cloud Hosting Service?

When choosing a platform to ensure the operation of your website, carefully study the infrastructure of the CDN network offered by the provider. The more servers and peering partners, the higher the network bandwidth. By selecting G-Core Labs platform services, you can rely on:

  • more than 140 localities in which CDN elements are located
  • more than 11,000 peering partners who will exchange traffic with you
  • content loading speed averaging 30 ms

By switching to CDN hosting services, you build a basis for the further development of your e-commerce services. New technological opportunities will be used faster by those who are closest to them. Those who have not yet provided themselves with CDN + Cloud hosting services will have to take two steps forward to level the competitive advantage.