Careers That Will Earn You Big Bucks

If you want a career that will pay you top dollar for your services then you aren’t alone, recent studies suggest that power and money are the most popular wishes from people who are deciding on a career, shortly followed by a job that makes them happy. When it comes to highest paid careers, away from being a top sports star or a high earning actor, there are not only fewer of these jobs available but in almost all of them you are required to work incredibly hard to succeed.


If you want to be a high level manager or a neurosurgeon like Dr. Joseph Yazdi then you are going to need to be prepared to put the work in, these careers won’t just fall into your lap and the early that you start toiling away, the more chance you’re going to have of being successful. Here is a short list of some of the highest earning jobs out on the market today.

Chief Executive Officer

CEOs are not only some of the most powerful men and women in the World, they are also the highest earning and regularly feature in the Forbes Richest List. To become a successful and high earning CEO then you’re going to need to have an excellent talent when it comes to management in the World of business. As far as education goes you will need to have studied for an MBA, preferably at one of the top universities. Once you start working for a company you will need to be creative, responsible, network well and more importantly, deliver great results in order to stand out and move your way up through the ranks.


For a career in medicine you will need to maintain high grades from very early on in your education, once you’ve completed your mandatory education you will head to medical school were things get even tougher. The good new however is that once you’ve completed med school, you will have the opportunity to place yourself amongst some of the highest earner in the United States. It is best if you specialize in a particular branch of medicine, earn respect and work hard to reach the top level band when it comes to salaries. This is a great career that can reward you financially and allow you to directly impact the lives of others for the good.

Software Architect

Such is the size of he digital industry these days there are huge salaries up for grabs as a software architect. More and more, different businesses are heading to the online and digital world with new ideas and projects and they need the best brains in the business to turn their ideas in to functioning software, and are prepared to pay big for it. You will need to not only have strong grades in computer sciences and math but also to have an excellent grasp of the various different coding languages that will be required. Furthermore you will need to constantly stay up to speed with what is happening in this ever-changing industry if you want to stay at the top.

Software Engineer

With technology and computer sciences influencing a huge chunk of our modern lives, it’s no surprise that jobs under this field are also among the most lucrative. The software engineer salary in some cities can easily earn up to hundreds of thousands of dollars and even more once they move up the career ladder. Software engineers apply principles of software engineering into the development of various computer programs and functions.They also have fairly advance knowledge on management for software systems and therefore command more than the technical process of the job.