Have you come to the conclusion that the career for you is one where you are involved in the business of music? In that case, you need to learn how to not just be an artist, since music is a form of art, but an entrepreneur as well. One place to do that is at music business schools. What you will quickly learn is the difference between an entrepreneur and an employee, and how that difference lies in their mindset. Unfortunately, from early childhood onwards, most of us are trained to become employees. Hence, you will need to learn to adjust.
Before you embark on your studies, you will need to decide on the niche you wish to pursue. Would you like to get into Music Publishing? Check out Music Critic to see what the role entails. Music as a business may sound like an area that is fun to be involved in. However, in order to be successful, you will have to work incredibly hard. So after completing a music business degree, what else do you need to do?
How to Become a Music Business Entrepreneur?
- You must become a problem solver. If you are faced with a challenge, you simply cannot give up. Employees give up, employers must work on. As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for looking at every issue from every angle, finding unique solutions. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers, and they get paid very well for that.
- You must have a long term perspective, while knowing how to build short term plans to achieve that. Short term decisions, however, should be made by hose working for you. If you only think short term, you are likely to quit the first time something goes wrong, and it will go wrong. If you think long term, however, you will know how to learn from your mistakes and still end up making the goals you had set for yourself.
- You are willing to do anything. If you want to make things happen, you have to actually be willing to do just about anything. Some people struggle with that. If you aren’t sure about your willingness to take risks and perhaps even let go of some of your own principles, you may as well give up straight away.
- You have to have staff, and you have to have money, but your staff works for you, not for the money. That is quite a complex idea to get your head around, but it basically means that you need to motivate people and make them feel part of something that transcends money.
- You must be willing to take risks, because that is the only way you will ever find out whether any of your theories are valid or not. This doesn’t mean you should just jump head first into any scenario, of course. You must think about the likelihood of success and, sometimes, if it there is a chance that your theory will prove to be completely invalid, you will still have to try it out.
- You must be a true leader, of both yourself and of others. See the bigger picture and inspire others to do similar things.