4 Top Tips for Finding a Job With a Disability

If you have a disability, or you know someone who has, you might be thinking that it’s very difficult to land a job. It’s true that there are more challenges facing people with disabilities when it comes to finding employment, but the road to getting a job is far from impossible. Many Australians with disabilities are gainfully employed in long-term roles.

Let’s look at some top tips when it comes to finding jobs for disabled people. There are many proactive things you can do, so let’s get started.

#1 – Harness the Power of Social Media

Just about all of us are active on social media in the modern world. It’s how we regularly connect with the people we know, along with people we don’t actually know but have developed online connections with.

The real power of social media and the internet, in general, is both the reach and speed when it comes to spreading a message.

Let’s say you have a disability and really want to find a job. You can post regularly about your goals and aspirations on your social media channels. Chances are, some of your posts will get shared, spreading the message further afield. Someone you know, or someone who knows someone, might be able to help you out.

It’s an avenue that shouldn’t be underestimated and should be used to its fullest advantage.

#2 – Target Companies You Would Like To Work For

The first step is to consider your current skills and interests, then come up with some ideas of the kind of jobs you would like to do. Narrow this down until you have two or three on your list, then spend time researching companies that may offer work in these fields.

Once that’s done, it’s time to draft up some emails that you can start sending to these companies. You don’t want to sound desperate in your search for work, just keen and enthusiastic. Let them know you have a disability, but emphasise how you will be of value to the business should they decide to hire you and give you a go.

Some Australian businesses make it a point of hiring people with disabilities or other challenges, so you may want to try and research companies like that as well.

#3 – Browse Online Job Boards Daily

Just in Australia alone, there are numerous websites online where employers list positions vacant. From government websites to privately-operated organisations, there is no shortage of access online to the current job market.

Make it a daily habit to check the latest job listings on these job boards. In fact, it might be to your advantage to check them several times a day, as new jobs could be listed at anytime 24/7. If you can get in first, that’s often a major advantage.

To narrow things down, you could even try and search for jobs for people with disabilities, to find employers who are specifically looking for disabled job seekers.

It’s worthwhile spending some time on sites like Seek, CareerOne and many others, as these are the most likely places you’ll find a job to apply for.

#4 – Take Advantage of Government Support Services

The Australian Government has quite a number of systems in place to assist the disabled community to find employment. For a start, you can contact your local Centrelink and be referred to a Jobactive provider, who will give you all the help you need in finding a job. Jobactive providers can also make you aware of any government assistance programs available.

One very useful government initiative is the wage subsidy scheme. With this scheme, employers are offered compensation in the form of a wage subsidy whenever they take on an employee with a disability. This takes the financial pressure off the company and they are therefore more likely to take a chance on hiring a person with a disability.

These are just a couple of ideas and things on offer when it comes to government assistance. It’s best to check government websites to learn more.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are proactive steps you can take to find a job when you have a disability. It’s a matter of spreading the word and being active each and every day until you land a job role.