How Games Can Help With Difficult Times

Video games may seem like a mindless pastime to many people. However, gaming has surprising benefits that can be especially helpful in difficult times. As we face uncertain circumstances, games can be more than just a stress reliever and escape from reality. Read more to find out three surprising ways that video games can help people in difficult times.

Help Explain Difficult Concepts to Students

As students nationwide make the transition to online classrooms, traditional learning techniques must adapt to the change. Surprisingly, video games are a great tool to enhance learning. Educational games allow students to work at their own pace and provide immediate feedback. Video games are challenging, entertaining and captivating to their players. Teachers are surprised that students who struggle in a traditional classroom setting can pay attention for hours on a computer.

Even games that may not be thought of as educational can help explain difficult concepts. Video games put students in the shoes of various characters or immerse them in a culture they are learning about. Overall, games provide interactive experiences that get students excited about classroom material and support long-term retention. Further, in her TedTalk, Brenda Romero explains that, “we change as people through games because we’re involved and we’re playing, and we’re learning as we do so.”

Help People Connect with Friends and Loved Ones

The thought of an avid gamer may bring to mind a social loner, but in actuality, games are highly social activities. During times when people must be physically isolated, video games can provide an opportunity to avoid social isolation. In fact, a recent survey shows that 34% of gamers say that building relationships is their favorite part of online gaming. One out of every 3 gamers has even met a significant other or close friend through their hobby. Additionally, many games have multiplayer modes that allow for collaboration of friends and families across various locations. Overall, video games are a great way to socialize with loved ones or even meet new people during a difficult and otherwise isolating time.

Help Those with Dementia Find Purpose

Video games may be thought of as a hobby just for teenage boys. However, folks of all ages can reap the surprising benefits of gaming. Those with dementia can especially benefit from finding a purpose in games. Older adults frequently become more vulnerable to depression and anxiety as dementia progresses. However, finding a purpose can improve their overall emotional health. Playing video games can provide adults of all ages with an attainable goal and help them find moments of success in their everyday life. Aging adults and those with dementia should be encouraged to try gaming during difficult times. Video games not only improve cognitive function of those with memory impairment but also help establish important connections with younger generations and loved ones, according to Vineyard Bluffton, a memory care community.

Games Provide Surprising Benefits During Difficult Times

Gone are the stereotypes of traditional gamers. Instead, folks across the world are learning the surprising benefits of playing video games. From young students to older adults, people of all ages can benefit from gaming during trying times. Take a moment today to find a game that suits your interests and begin reaping the benefits.