Choosing No Scalpel Vasectomy as a Form of Birth Control

There are a number of birth control methods available to a couple, and there are pros and cons to all of them. With the development of no scalpel vasectomy procedures, vasectomies are becoming a chose that is much easier to make.

What Does a No Scalpel Vasectomy Involve?

First its worth knowing what a scalpel vasectomy involves. Basically an incision is made in the scrotum to access the vas deferens ducts, which are then severed and restructured so that sperm cannot leave the testicles. Recovery is painful and can take several weeks, often with no activity recommended over that period to prevent damage to the surgical site and chance of infection.

A no scalpel vasectomy is a similar procedure but the surgery takes place through a small hole and uses a clamp to open the surgical area for the surgeon to operate. Therefore the surgery takes less time, has a much shorter and less painful recovery period, and has less complications.

What are the Benefits of No Scalpel Vasectomy?

Vasectomies are the most reliable and effective form of contraception, because compared to other contraceptive treatments it has lower instances of side effects, prevents pregnancy in 2999 out of 3000 instances. However, it is worth considering that a vasectomy is not only reliable, but also permanent.

In contrast other forms of contraception have lower success rates, measured on accidental pregnancies, and are temporary. For example, barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms have to be used just before and during sexual intercourse, and the chances of them not being used will depend on the couple, who may take risks. There is also a possibility of a condom or diaphragm not being sound, so not prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

Hormonal methods used by women such as the pill, patches or implants can be highly effective as birth control but the dosage must be maintained for them to be effective. Also many of them result in side effects for women such as weight gain, risk of diseases, infections and hormonal imbalances leading to loss of libido or other issues.

The only risk free form of birth control of course is abstinence, so when you weigh up the pros and cons of different forms of contraception and birth control, a vasectomy is one of the most reliable choices which will have less complications but should only be elected if the male partner decides that they want to be sterile permanently. This is why a vasectomy is usually only recommended for men above the age of 35 who are with a long term partner, as younger men, or ones in a stable relationship may decide later that they do want to father children, and if they have already had a vasectomy there is a very good chance it cannot be reversed.

So a no scalpel vasectomy is a highly effective and reliable form of birth control, and compared to a standard vasectomy is less painful and has a shorter recovery time.